Updated June 28, 2021
"The SSA has yet to announce when field offices will reopen for walk-in service.
walk-in 서비스를 위해 언제 다시 오픈할지 아직 아무 발표가 없으며 . . .
In-person visits can be arranged, by appointment, in what Social Security calls
“dire need situations” involving benefits issues that cannot be resolved by phone, mail or online.
You can file your application for an SSN card for the first time in person at SSA office
with appointment. (if you are age 12 or older and have never received a Social Security number 경우) "
소셜 번호를 처음으로 신청하게 되는 경우에 한하여 예약을 하여 로컬 소셜사무실에 방문하여
in-person 도움을 받을 수 있다고 하네요.