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머니/재테크 세금/세무

Q. 어머님모시고 사는데 세금혜택을 받을수 있는지요

지역California 아이디y**dah**** 공감0
조회2,332 작성일3/2/2019 3:00:20 PM
어머니와 함께사는데 SSA 월 천불정도 받고계시는데

제가 부양가족으로 해서 세금보고를 할수있는지요?

만약 그럴수 있다면 얼마나 혜택이 있는가 알고싶읍니다.

참고로 메디케어와 메디칼혜택을 받고계시고

저희부부 세금보고는 13만정도 됩니다.

미리 감사를 드립니다.
회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 6개입니다.

첫번째 전문가 답변을 남겨주세요!
회원 답변글
답변일 3/3/2019 8:42:48 AM
부양가족으로 등록하시면 메디칼은 끊어질 수도 있는 걸로 압니다.
답변일 3/3/2019 1:13:12 PM
You can get upto $500 non-chid dependent credit. Regarding Medicalm please see the below articles:

Q: My wife and I are both retired (70 & 79). My mother has lived with us since 1999 and is now 101. Fortunately, she is in excellent health and receives only Social Security benefits of about $1,200 per month. In seeking to declare her as a dependent, all of the requirements cited in your column are met by us in this case. However, our accountant states that if we declare her as a dependent she will lose her Medi-Cal benefits. Is that accurate?

A: Based on the facts you provided, your accountant is mistaken. The Affordable Care Act has created some confusion in this area. The act did change income-counting rules for some Medi-Cal recipients — mainly adults 64 and under, parents, children, and pregnant women, said Cori Racela, a senior attorney with the Western Center on Law & Poverty. For those groups, it does matter how people claim each other on their taxes (although it is not a requirement to file taxes to get Medi-Cal).

However, the income rules for people who are 65 or older, blind or disabled are the same as before the act took effect. For them, tax filings have no bearing on Medi-Cal eligibility. Whether or not they claim mom as a dependent won’t affect her eligibility. Her income and assets will be the deciding factor.
답변일 3/3/2019 1:22:58 PM
For entire article, please go to below:

답변일 3/3/2019 8:56:22 PM

13만불 세금보고하시는 아드님의 부양가족으로

어머님을 등록하시면 메디칼 혜택은 즉시 끊어집니다.

답변일 3/4/2019 7:37:01 AM
dependent가 년 $4,050 이상의 수입이 있으면 자격이 안 됩니다.
답변일 3/4/2019 2:25:41 PM
SSA 에 매디케어 그리고 메디컬 까지 받고 있는데 또 뭘 더 받을게 없냐구요 ?. . .... 욕심이 과하면 꼬리가 잡히게 되어있죠. 엔간이 하세요

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