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머니/재테크 세금/세무

Q. 세금 종류?/

지역California 아이디s**ullov**** 공감0
조회1,284 작성일8/30/2019 6:17:26 AM
i r s 에서 cp503 cp 71c
편지가 왓읍니다 세금 내라고
위에 번호는 어떤 내용인지요
벌금 등등 해서 세금액이 너무 커서 엄두가 안납니다
하루하루 일당 밥고 일하고 잇읍니다 감사함니다
회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.

전문가 답변글
김종갑 님 답변 답변일 9/1/2019 10:59:38 PM
아래는 IRS 규정입니다. 참조바랍니다.

What this notice is about

We have not heard from you and you still have an unpaid balance on one of your tax accounts.

What you need to do
•Read your notice carefully — it explains your due date, amount due, and payment options.
•Make your payment by your due date. Go to the payments page to find out more about your payment options.

Frequently asked questions

What is the notice telling me?
This notice is another reminder that you still owe a balance on one of your tax accounts. You are getting this notice because we have not received your payment or response to previous notice(s) requesting you pay this balance.

What do I have to do?
Pay the amount due shown on the notice. Mail us your payment in the envelope we sent you. Include the bottom part of the notice to make sure we correctly credit your account.

If you can't pay the whole amount now, call us at the number printed at the top of the notice to see if you qualify for an installment agreement.

How much time do I have?
You should pay the entire balance within 10 days of the date of the notice or additional penalty and interest will be added.

What happens if I don't pay?
We may file a Notice of Federal Tax Lien that gives us legal claim to your property as security or payment for your tax debt. We will also look for other assets you may own.

Who should I contact?
If you have any questions about the notice, call us at the number printed at the top of the notice. A customer service representative will assist you.

What if I don't agree or have already taken corrective action?
If you do not agree with this notice, call us immediately at the number printed at the top of the notice. We will do our best to help you.

미국 연방세무사


직업 미국 연방세무사

이메일 jstax82@naver.com

전화 010-4080-0321

회원 답변글
답변일 8/30/2019 10:16:05 AM
위의 링크로 들어가시면 설명이 있습니다.
다른것이 아니고 말씀하신 그대로 택스가 밀려있는데 아직 납부가 안되어 있으니까
기한내에(10일 이내에) 빨리 납부하라는 연락입니다.
답변일 8/30/2019 10:30:31 AM
형편이 어려우시면 윗분이 답변하신 IRS 링크에 들어 가셔서 형편대로 일정액을 매월 조금씩 갚기로 약속하면 IRS에서 받아줄 것입니다. 그러나 적은 액수라도 받아주기는 하는데 약속은 꼭 지키셔야 큰 문제가 안 생깁니다. 빠를수록 좋습니다.

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