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건강 기타

Q. Dsypnea

지역California 아이디v**11**** 공감0
조회1,987 작성일11/15/2009 7:05:51 PM

Hi Doctor,

I have a symptom of Dsypnea in another words tendency of shortness of breath.

My PCP could not find any health reasons for it other than stress,
My diagnosis give me hard time or is very unconfortable during excercise or even walking up the stairs.

Can you help me so that I can get a cure if there is.

Thank you.
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* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

전문가 답변글
크리스틴 조 님 답변 답변일 11/17/2009 2:45:09 PM
According to Asian medicine, shortness of breath(we call it like "氣短: 숨이 찬 증상") can be caused by many things, including the following: lung qi deficiency, kidney qi deficiency, qi stagnation...

Qi means like kind of energy(but not same).
Energy can become unbalanced for a whole variety of reasons - emotional states, hereditary factors, infections even weather conditions - and when this happens illness can result.

By inserting the needles into the channels of energy the acupuncturist stimulates the body's own healing response and so helps to restore its natural balance.

During treatments acupuncture needles will be inserted into the skin and left for between 10 and 30 minutes. The needles used are very thin and do not feel the same as an injection when they go in.
You just feel a quick tap as they are inserted, but little sensation of this being a needle.

We need more detail information about your symptoms and hope you will be getting good in condition.
If you have any question, call(213-389-3003) or come to the green herbal clinic(www.ntoxdiet.com), please.


한의성형/내과전문 한의사

크리스틴 조

직업 한의성형/내과전문 한의사

이메일 dietgreen@hotmail.com

전화 213-389-3003


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