tick도 여러 종류가 있는 데, 야전에서 흔하게 물려서 생기는 문제 중의 하나로 lime disease라는 것이 있습니다. tick-bourne disease에서 제일 흔한 것이지요. 풀밭이나 수풀에서 벌레에 물렸을 때 생기는 데, flue-like 증상을 보이고 심화되면 뼈마디나 신경계통까지 문제가 생깁니다. 뼈마디의 변형을 일으키는 일이 많아서 다리나 팔이 아픈 경우가 많지요. 그래도 항생제로 90% 이상 치료가 쉽게 되는 병입니다. 군인이라서 tick에 물렸을 확율이 크기 때문에 의사들이 lyme disease에 중점을 두고있는 것 같습니다.
How is it treated? The main treatment for Lyme disease is antibiotics. These medicines usually cure Lyme disease within 3 weeks of starting treatment. It’s important to get treatment for Lyme disease as soon as you can. Talk to your doctor if you have had a tick attached to your skin, especially if you live in an area where Lyme disease has been reported. Look for early signs of the disease, such as a round, red rash that gets bigger or symptoms like those you'd get with the flu. If it goes untreated, Lyme disease can lead to problems with your skin, joints, nervous system, and heart. These can occur weeks, months, or even years after your tick bite. The problems often get better with antibiotics, but in rare cases they can last the rest of your life.