1. Child support: Child support is paid to the person who has more custodial time. So in your case, you would pay to your wife if she raises the kids. How much will depend on both your income and time spent on each side. Assuming you make $3,000 and she makes nothing and you have a 50/50 split in custodial time, my guess is you will have to pay somewhere around $1,000 to $1,500. Child custody will usually be 50/50.
2. Spousal support: The person making more money have to pay the other person. So you will have to pay your wife. If the marriage is more than 10 years, you will have to basically support her for the rest of her life. Of course there are exceptions. If less than 10 years, you will have to support her for about 1/2 of the number of years you were married. Amount in you case may be about $500 to $1,000.
3. Assests will be divided 50/50, unless you can prove that certain assets are your separate assets. Debts will be divided 50/50.
4. Because she doesn't make any money, you will have to pay her attorney's fees as well.
5. The process can take as short as 6 months or as long as several years.