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정부혜택서비스 연금/각종수당/SSI

Q. 소셜 연금 문의

지역California 아이디h**david08**** 공감0
조회6,406 작성일8/2/2023 9:58:48 PM


 국민연금 수령자가  

소셜 연금 신청시에 혹시 연금이 감액 되어서 나오는지 문의 드립니다.


회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

전문가 답변글
김영산 님 답변 답변일 8/3/2023 7:47:56 AM

"If you are eligible for a pension based on work you did for a federal, state, or local government, a nonprofit organization, or in another country and you did not pay U.S. Social Security taxes, this pension can affect the amount of your Social Security benefits. 

한국 국민연금, 미국 공무원연금(미국 소셜 택스를 납부하지 않은), 401 (k), 403 (b), 457 plan 등에서  혜택 수급은  WEP 적용 대상으로 미국 소셜 연금 수급 금액을 감소시키며 . . .

The WEP reduction is limited to 1/2 of your pension from non-covered employment.

If you paid Social Security taxes on 30 years of 'substantial earnings',

WEP does not apply to you. "

Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP)< - - - 참조해보세요.

"2023년도 PIA 계산에서 First 'bend point(s)'는 $1,115 x  90% 이며

WEP Formula : 40%  'first replacement rate' of $1,115 (workers with 20 years of coverages 이하 경우) . . . "



"The WEP PIA replicates the regular PIA but scales down the first percentage from 90 percent to 40 percent in increments of five percentage points for workers with less than 30 years of coverage (YOCs). 

Thus, workers with 30 or more YOCs have a first PIA factor of 90 percent, workers with 21-29 YOCs have a first PIA factor between 45-85 percent, and workers with 20 YOCs have a first PIA factor of 40 percent."


부동산 브로커


직업 부동산 브로커

이메일 sunnyyssmile@gmail.com

전화 747-244-5928


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