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이민/비자 영주권

Q. 비숙련 취업이민 국내수속중입니다.

지역New York 아이디s**as**** 공감0
조회1,861 작성일4/3/2012 11:40:26 PM
전문가님의 도움을 부탁드립니다.

지인분이 한국에서 작년 9월까지 비숙련 케이스로 지원을 하여 비자피까지 패이를 끝난 상태로 신청서류를 내야 되는 단계에 있다고 합니다.
지금까지 진행을 맡아주던 이주공사가 부도가 나서 더이상 일의 진행이 힘들다면서 이민국에서 받은 서류를 다 지인분꼐 돌려 주었다고 합니다,

아래 이주공사에서 받은 서류를 붙이겠습니다.

이제 부터 이주공사도 없고 뭘 어떻게해야 하는지 막막하다고 합니다.
어떤폼으로 어떻게 작성을 해서 내야 하는 건가요>

답변 주시면 정말 정말 감사하겠습니다.

Dear Sir/Madam:
You have been designated as attorney of record in the immigrant visa case of *******. We have received all necessary Immigrant Visa and Affidavit of Support fees for this case. Each visa applicant must now complete and submit an Application for Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration with supporting civil documents. As attorney of record you are responsible to coordinate the submission. Please go to www.ImmigrantVisas.state.gov and follow the instructions displayed.Please pay close attention to requirements for Police certificates. In some cases specific Police Certificate Request forms must be submitted in order to properly request and obtain the applicable Police Certificate(s).
E-Mail Processing may be either mandatory or chosen by the principal applicant for this case. If E-Mail Processing does apply to this case the required form(s) and documents must be scanned and submitted by e-mail
to NVCElectronic@state.gov.If E-Mail Processing does not apply you must return the enclosed case number barcode sheet with the required form(s) and civil documents to:

National Visa Center
31 Rochester Avenue, Suite 100
Portsmouth, NH 03801-2914

To avoid processing delays when returning documents to the National Visa Center:
• Write the applicant's case number in the subject line of the e-mail when applicable, and in the upper right-hand corner of each page of every document.
• Do not send documents for any other cases attached to an e-mail.
• Do not send information for any other cases in the same envelope unless the NVC's letter is attached to the front of each case's documents

National Visa Center
If you have specific questions about a case, please contact the NVC.
E-mail The NVC's e-mail address is nvcattorney@state.gov.
In order to ensure a prompt response:
* The Subject Line of the e-mail should be the relevant NVC Case Number.
* Provide the applicant's name and date of birth and the petitioner's name and date of birth.
* Provide your full name and the name of the law office requesting the information.
* If the petition is employment-based, include the company/organizational name.
* Reference only one case per e-mail.
Legal Questions The Visa Office of the Bureau of Consular Affairs' e-mail address is legalnet@state.gov.
24 hour An automated recorded message system is available twenty-four hours a day,
Information seven days a week to answer case status inquiries (603 334-0700).

Note: This service requires the use of a touch-tone telephone.
Operator Telephone operators are available to respond to more in-depth inquiries Assistance Monday through Friday from 7:30 AM to 12:00 AM (EST), (603 334-0700).
Note: This service requires the use of a touch-tone telephone.

Mail National Visa Center
Attn: WC
When contacting the NVC about a case, always include the following information:
Name of Visa Applicant: *********
Name of Petitioner: ******
Case Number: SEO********
Foreign State Chargeability SOUTH KOREA
If a period of one year passes without contacting the NVC (by e-mail, telephone, or mail), all submitted fees and documents will expire. Upon expiration, the fees and documents would need to be resubmitted in order to continue the immigration process.

National Visa Center
Case Number Barcode Cover Sheet
You must return a legible copy of this cover sheet
attached to the front of your completed Application for
Immigrant Visa and Alien Registration (Form DS-230) and
supporting civil documents to:

National Visa Center
Attn.: CMR
31 Rochester Avenue, Suite 100
Portsmouth, NH 03801-2914
􀂷 Failure to return this page will delay your visa.
􀂷 Use this cover sheet for this case only.
􀂷 Information for any other case(s) being sent in the
same package or envelope must include the cover
sheet for that case.
*** Barcode ***

회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

전문가 답변글
김유진 님 답변 답변일 4/4/2012 2:59:51 PM
김유진 변호사 입니다.

한국에 저희사무실 협력변호사를 소개 합니다.
문의해 보시기 바랍니다.
(02)734-7330 임병규 변호사

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