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이민/비자 영주권

Q. 시민권 배우자 영주권 신청 request for initial evidence(i-485)

지역California 아이디b**tex2**** 공감0
조회2,789 작성일6/21/2012 12:23:38 AM
시민권자 배우자 자격으로 영주권 신청 했는데 오늘 이민국에서 편지가 날라 왔습니다.길지만 간절한 마음에 올립니다.길지만 읽어주시고 변호사님에 답변 부탁드립니다.감사합니다.

request for evidence(i-485)

this office is unable to complete the processing of your application to register permanent residence or adjust status, (form I-485) without initial information. Sumbit all the information requested below at one time. Failure to do so will result in denial. You must sumbit the information without 87 days to the folloowing adress: U.S Departement of Homeland Secruity, PO Box 648004 Lee's Summit, MO 64002 Include this letter with you response
This Service will process your Form I-765, Application for employement Authorization(if sumbitted) within 90 days of the reciept of your missing inital evidence. This is pursuant to Title 8, Code of Federal Regulations, Sections 103.2(b)(10)(ii)
All copies musst be clear and eligible If you sumbit a document in any language other than english, it must be submitted with a full english translation. The translator must certify that the translation is complete and accurate, and that he or she is competent to translate. You must sumbit both the foreign languange document and the english translation.
-Sumbit a complete federal income tax return sumbitted to the internal revenue service (IRS) from the petitioner/sponser on form I-864, Affidavit of support, For the most recent tax year.
If you were not required to file a federal income tax under the U.S tax law, attach a written explaination and if applicable, evidence of the exemption and why you are subject to it.
뭐가 잘못된건가요? 읽어주셔서 정말 감사합니다.
좋은 하루되세요.
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* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

첫번째 전문가 답변을 남겨주세요!
회원 답변글
답변일 6/21/2012 11:39:18 AM
한 마디로, 보낸서류가 부족하니 아래에 나열한 서류들을 87일 이내로 보내라는 것입니다.
아마 재정보증서인 I-864 에 가장 최근에 보고한 Tax Return 을 첨부하지 않았기 때문으로 생각됩니다.
본문에 있는 대로 해석하면 배우자의 Tax Return 카피와 지금 받은 편지를 동봉하여 위에 적힌 주소로 보내시면 됩니다.

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