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법률 가정/이혼법

Q. 이혼절차

지역California 아이디(비공개) 공감0
조회2,161 작성일8/8/2012 6:05:15 PM
안녕하세요...이혼 준비중인데..
아기가 3명이에요..근데 저나와이프나 돈벌이가 좋지않아 헤어지게 되었습니다.
이럴때 어떻게 되나요?아기는 누가 키우고 생활비는 어떻게 해야한나요?
강제 이혼을 와이프가 할경우는 어떻게 되나요?
회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

전문가 답변글
쟌 오 님 답변 답변일 8/8/2012 8:14:18 PM
To response properly to your questions, it will take more than 30 minutes. As such, I will provide you with general answers.

In California, either party can file for divorce. It is not possible to prevent a divorce from occurring if one side wants the divorce. It takes at least 6 months for divorce to be completed even if both sides settle. Child custody can be agreed between the parties. If no agreement, the court will decide for you. Generally 50/50 decision is made unless there are special circumstances. Child support is paid by the person who has less custody time to the person who has primary custody. The amount of child support is based on both parties' income and amount of time of custody. Spousal support will be paid by the person making more money, regardless of whether that is the wife or husband.

For further questions, you can visit our website or call our office.

(323) 456-4406

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