몇년전부터 주마다 70세가 넘으면 면허를 더 자주 갱신하며 운전 테스트를 (실기,필기) 를 요구하는 법이 주마다 조금씩다르지만 여러개의 주에서 통과 했습니다. 질문자가 연령이 70이 넘으셨나요? 그렇지않으면 이유를 물어보세요.
C**scoi**** 님 답변
답변일12/28/2017 11:55:15 AM
Your California driver license is good for 4th renewal which is means that your license is good for 16 years but the fifths (5) time you are requested to take both vision and and driving test. ( each license is good for 4 years and the fifth time you personally has to take a test and renewal your license) If you are old, it might still apply but there should be a good reason for the DMV to deny your driving privilege.
A vision test is easy, just go get a nice glasses and as to the driving test is concerned, it will not be that hard. So, don't worry to much. If you are really bad, then DMV might issue you a " restricted license," to do that they should have a good reason. If they don't give you a license at all, you can request a DMV hearing for your case. Your case should be easy. Don't worry too much.