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주택/부동산 구매/판매

Q. 양도소득세 관련

지역California 아이디r**tkgod**** 공감0
조회2,283 작성일8/19/2022 7:46:23 PM


살던 집을 판매하는 중에 궁금한 점이 있어서 질문드립니다.

5년 중 2년 이상을 거주해야 면세혜택이 있다고 하는데요.

2022년 8월 말에 집을 판매하면 몇년부터 몇년까지 적용이 되는 건가요?

제가 룸메이트들을 두고 살면서 rental income tax report를 2019년부터 2021년까지 했는데, 

그렇다면 면세혜택을 받을 수 없나요?

답변 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 

회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

전문가 답변글
김영산 님 답변 답변일 8/21/2022 11:32:35 AM

https://www.irs.gov/publications/p523 < - - - -  찬찬히 읽어보시고 . . .

"Business or Rental Use of Home

If you fail to meet the requirements to qualify for the $250,000 or $500,000 exclusion,
you may still qualify for a reduced exclusion.

If you fail to meet the ownership and use tests, or if you used a portion of your home for business or rental purposes during your ownership, this type of usage may affect your gain or loss calculations.  . . . 

Space that was once used for business or rental purposes may be considered as residence space at the time of sale . . .  if ALL of the following are true.

-You weren’t using the space for business or rental at the time you sold the property,

-You didn’t earn any business or rental income from the space in the year you sold your home,

-You used the space as residence space for 2 years out of the 5 years leading up to the sale.

If your space is considered as residence space at the time of the sale, then your former business usage DOESN’T affect your gain/loss calculations, unless you took or were allowed to take depreciation for use of your home for business or rental purposes."

여러 CPA/EA 들과 자세한 상담을 하실 것을 권합니다.


부동산 브로커


직업 부동산 브로커

이메일 sunnyyssmile@gmail.com

전화 747-244-5928


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