"Landlord may increase the rent for the property upon providing to the tenant such notice as required by appliable legislation of the state of New Jersey (the Act), if any."
"뉴저지 주의 해당 법률에서 요구하는 적절한 통지로 집주인은 임대료를 인상할 수 있다" 고 쓰여진
위 리스 계약서에 사인을 하셨나요?
"If you're in a lease, state laws typically don't allow your landlord to legally raise your rent until your current lease expires;
unless there's a stipulation within the lease itself that allows for increases."
free legal assistance: 1-888-LSNJ-LAW (1-888-576-5529)
https://www.lsnjlaw.org/Housing/Landlord-Tenant/Rent-Increases/Pages/Your-Rights-Around-Rent-Increases.aspx <- - - 참조해보시고 . . .
해당지역 부동산 전문 변호사들과 상담하시는 것이 최상이겠죠.