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정부혜택서비스 연금/각종수당/SSI

Q. SSI 규정 에 대해서

지역California 아이디c**soocs**** 공감0
조회3,496 작성일12/12/2021 12:24:25 PM
SSI 를 받으면서 취업(일) 을 할수 있는지요?
회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.

전문가 답변글
유충환 Charles Yoo 님 답변 답변일 12/13/2021 8:05:01 AM


일을 통해 얻는 수입이 SSI 수령 금액에 영향을 줍니다.

대략적으로 말씀드리자면,

일을 통한 수입 금액이 SSI 수령 금액의 2배가 되면 더 이상 SSI를 받을 수 없게 됩니다.


메디케어 건강보험 에이전트

유충환 Charles Yoo

직업 메디케어 건강보험 에이전트

이메일 cyoo.upx@gmail.com

전화 818-590-7910

회원 답변글
답변일 12/12/2021 12:56:32 PM

위 링크에 자세한 내용이 있습니다. 참고하세요.


영일샘 榮一三
답변일 12/13/2021 2:24:56 AM
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), is a federal
program that provides monthly payments to people
who have limited income and few resources. SSI is
for people who are 65 or older, as well as people of
any age, including children, who are blind or who
have disabilities.
To qualify for SSI, you must also have little or no
income and few resources. The value of the things
you own must be less than $2,000 if you’re single
or less than $3,000 for married couples living
together. We don’t count the value of your home if
you live in it, and, usually, we don’t count the value
of your car. We may not count the value of certain
other resources either, such as a burial plot.
To get SSI, you must also apply for any other
government benefits for which you may be
eligible. You must live in the United States or the
Northern Mariana Islands to get SSI. If you’re not
a U.S. citizen, but you lawfully reside in the United
States, you may still be able to get SSI. For more
information, ~~~~~

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