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유학/교육 입학/학자금

Q. 인스테이트 적용

지역Texas 아이디j**ngmoo**** 공감0
조회2,234 작성일7/12/2019 8:42:15 AM
텍사스에서 중학교를 졸업하고 고등학교를 2년 다니다 타주로 이사해도 인스테이트 적용을 받을 수 있나요?
텍사스로 대학을 가려고 합니다.
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답변일 7/14/2019 12:58:59 PM

“Texas Education Code (TEC) Section

54.052 outlines specific ways of determining whether a student enrolling at a public institution of higher education is classified as a Texas resident.

텍사스 거주자 자격을 얻으려면 대학교 등록과 동시 그시점에서 거슬러 직전 1 년 (최소 12 개월 연속) 동안 텍사스에 거주해야합니다.
To qualify as a Texas resident, an individual must 1) reside in Texas for one year (at least 12 consecutive months) prior to enrollment. and 2) establish a domicile in Texas prior to enrollment in an institution of higher education. An applicant or student who is claimed as a dependent on a parent's most recent federal tax return will be classified based on the parent's qualifications for residency.

Graduate from a Texas High school or receive a GED. Reside in Texas for the 36 months immediately preceding graduation from a Texas high school or receipt of the GED. Texas
고등학교 졸업과 동시 그시점에서 거슬러 직전 36 개월 동안 텍사스에 거주해야합니다.

How do I establish a domicile in Texas?

A domicile in Texas is presumed if, at least 12 months prior to the census date of the semester in which he or she is to enroll,
at least one of the following applies: 1) the person owns real property in Texas, 2) the person owns a business in Texas, 3) the person is married to someone who has established a domicile in Texas, 4) the person has had gainful employment other than work-study and other such student employment in Texas.

It is best to have at least two government-issued documents that demonstrate state residency. At least one of these documents establishing residency must be dated at least twelve months prior to the first day of classes.
Examples include:
Registering to vote in the state, as evidenced by a voter registration card.
Registering with Selective Service in the state.
Filing a Declaration of Domicile form with the county clerk at the start of residency.
Filing state and federal income tax returns with an in-state residential address.
Attending secondary school in the state.

Other activities do not in and of themselves establish residency, but rather intent to establish residency. Nevertheless, the more such activities you can document, the more convincing your case will be. These include:
Obtaining a state driver's license.
Registering a vehicle in the state.
Obtaining a state hunting and/or fishing license
Opening a local bank account.
Getting a local library card.
. . . . . .
답변일 7/14/2019 12:59:59 PM
If I am temporarily absent from Texas, will I lose my status as a Texas resident?

The temporary absence of a person or a dependent’s parent from the state for the purpose of service in the U.S. Armed Forces, Public Health Service, Department of Defense, U.S. Department of State, as a result of an employment assignment, or for educational purposes, shall not affect a person’s ability to continue to claim that he or she is a domiciliary of this state. The person or the dependent’s parent shall provide documentation of the reason for the temporary absence.
미군, 공공 보건 서비스, 국방부, 미 국무부에서 고용 임무로 또는 교육 목적으로 한 개인 또는 부양 가족의 부모가 일시적으로 본 주거지를 떠난 경우, 그주의 거주민자격(status as a Texas resident)에 영향을 미치지 않습니다. 그 사람이나 부양 가족의 부모는 일시적 부재 사유에 대한 문서를 제출해야합니다.

In 2005, the 79th Texas Legislature further amended the residency requirements through the passage of Senate Bill (S.B.) 1528. The additional amendments maintained the 36-month pathway for non-U.S. Citizens, but extended it to all U.S. citizens. Prior to these amendments, many U.S. Citizens were inadvertently prevented from attaining Texas residency status because of unanticipated circumstances.

For example, students born and raised in Texas but whose parents moved out of state before they had enrolled in college were previously classified as nonresidents unless they had enrolled in college prior to their parents’ departure. Additionally, students raised by grandparents or other family members who had never gone to court to acquire legal custody were considered residents of the state in which their parents lived.

Current statutes allow students in both cases, and other similar circumstances, to qualify for Texas resident status.”


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