그러나 그 싸인이 무슨 효과가 있을까요? 그 싸인을 붙혀놓는 자체도 법적 으로 불법도 아니지만 법적효과도 없습니다. 즉 누가 몰래 총기를 숨겨서 들어와도 경찰을 불러 내보낼수 없습니다.
그러나 그 싸인이 있으니 누가 총기소유 하고 들어왔을때 상점에서 나가달라고 하면 그 사람은 나가야 합니다.
“No Firearm” signs in Georgia have no force of law unless they are posted on property that is specifically mentioned in State Law as being off limits to those with a Permit/License to Carry. If you are in a place not specifically mentioned in the law that is posted and they ask you to leave, you must leave.“No Firearm” signs in Georgia have no force of law unless they are posted on property that is specifically mentioned in State Law as being off limits to those with a Permit/License to Carry. If you are in a place not specifically mentioned in the law that is posted and they ask you to leave, you must leave.