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Q. 재입국허가신청서 서류 확인

지역California 아이디d**senglis**** 공감0
조회2,754 작성일10/29/2015 12:15:33 AM
신청서를 다 작성하고 구비서류를 전문가 분께 확인코자 글을 올립니다.
이민국 I-131 intructions에는
수수료, 영주권 앞.뒤 사본와 여권 앞면(본인 경우)만 적혀 있는데

다른 분들 글을 보면 거기다가 사진 2매, 소셜카드 사본, 사유를 나타내는 서류등을 같이 이민국에 제출해야 한다고 알려주고 있어 혼동이 됩니다.
이민국에 신청서와 수수료 그리고 함께 제출해야하는 서류를 정확하게 알려주시면 합니다. 부탁드리며 미리 감사의 말씀 드립니다.
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* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.

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케빈 장 님 답변 답변일 10/29/2015 8:24:00 AM

재입국허가서 준비 필요 서류는 여권사진 2장,영주권 앞뒷면 복사본,여권 복사본,소셜카드복사본,재입국증명이 필요한 사유서,재입국증명이 필요한 증거서류(고용계약서등),신청자의 미국 기반서류(세금보고,은행서류등)등이 필요하며, 수수료는"US Department of Homeland Security"로 쓰시면 되십니다..



케빈 장

직업 변호사

이메일 khjlawcorp@gmail.com

전화 213-221-1188

이재욱 님 답변 답변일 11/1/2015 1:06:47 AM
I-131, Application for Travel Document

Form I-131 (401 KB PDF)
Instructions for Form I-131 (316 KB PDF)
Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance (240 KB PDF)
Purpose of Form
To apply for a re-entry permit, refugee travel document or advance parole travel document, to include parole into the U.S. for humanitarian reasons.

Number of Pages
Form 5; Instructions 13.

Edition Date
03/22/13. Previous editions not accepted.

Where to File
Please check the Filing Addresses for Form I-131 for information on where to mail your application.

Filing Fee
See Special Instructions and Form Instructions

Special Instructions
Note: If you are filing Form I-131 Application Type B or D, you filed a Form I-485 on/after July 30, 2007, with a fee, and the Form I-485 is still pending, then no additional fee is due for Form I-131.

I am applying for…

A re-entry permit (Application Type A) and I am:

Form Fee

Biometric Services


13 or younger








80 or older




A refugee travel document (Application Types B and C) and I am:

13 or younger




14 or 15








80 or older




An advance parole document (Application Types D, E, and F):

Advance Parole – Type D (pending I-Form I-485; pending Form I-821; or approved Form I-821D)




Advance Parole – Type E (humanitarian parole)




Advance Parole – Type F (humanitarian parole)




If you are filing your application at a USCIS Lockbox facility:

We recommend reading our Lockbox Filing Tips.
To receive an e-Notification when your Form I-131 has been accepted, complete Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance and clip it to the front of your application.
To ensure your application is accepted:
Sign your form
Submit the correct fee
Complete the entire form. The form will be rejected if any of these required fields are missing:
Part 1, Family Name
Part 1, Address
Part 1, Date of Birth
Part 2, Application Type
Part 2, Family Name and Address (if filing for an Advance Parole Document for a person outside of the United States, Application Type “F”)
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals: You cannot apply for advance parole while your request for deferred action is still pending. If you leave the United States while your request for consideration of deferred action is pending, your deferred action request will be denied.

Once USCIS approves your request for consideration of deferred action, you may file Form I-131 to request advance parole to travel outside of the United States. If you travel outside the United States without first receiving advance parole, USCIS will automatically terminate your deferred action. You must submit Form I-131 with specific documentation depending on the agency that deferred action in your case. If USCIS deferred action in your case, submit a copy of your Form I-797, Notice of Action. If U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) deferred action in your case, submit a copy of the ICE order, notice, or letter. USCIS will only grant advance parole if your travel abroad will be for educational, employment, or humanitarian purposes. You must indicate the purpose on the Form I-131 as described below:

Educational purposes, such as semester abroad programs or academic research;
Employment purposes, such as overseas assignments, interviews, conferences, training, or meetings with clients; or
Humanitarian purposes, such as travel to obtain medical treatment, attend funeral services for a family member, or visit an ailing relative.
Travel for vacation is not a valid purpose.

You may not file Form I-131 online. Please check the Direct Filing Addresses for Form I-131 for information on where to mail your application.

For additional information about travel outside the United States and filing for advance parole, read Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals: Travel Documents.

변호사, 세무사, 변리사


직업 변호사, 세무사, 변리사

이메일 jawala.lee@gmail.com

전화 323-553-1799

회원 답변글
답변일 10/29/2015 1:21:13 PM

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