Who Owes the Net Investment Income Tax
"Individuals will owe the tax if they have Net Investment Income
and also have modified adjusted gross income over the following thresholds:
Single taxpayer with income greater than the statutory threshold 일 경우 X 3.8% . . . "
위 링크를 찬찬히 읽어 보시고 . . .
Sale of Real Estate
https://www.ftb.ca.gov/forms/2017/17_1031.pdf < - - - 참고하시고 . . .
" A tax treaty between the U.S. Government and a foreign country may exempt some types of income from federal taxation. Generally, unless the treaty specifically excludes the income from taxation by California, the income is taxable."
In California, "there is a progressive income tax with rates ranging from
1% to 13.3%, which are the same tax rates that apply to capital gains."
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