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정부혜택서비스 메디케어/기타복지

Q. 2023년 메디케어 가입 대상자 건강보험에 대하여...

지역California 아이디h**26**** 공감0
조회2,763 작성일10/31/2022 5:28:03 AM


저는 2023년 7월1일부터 2024년1월31일까지 메디케어 가입대상자입니다.

저의 경우 2023년 일명 오바바케어 건강보험을 2023년12월31일끼지 가입할수 있는지요?

아니면 2023년6월30일까지만 가입해야 하는지 문의드립니다.


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* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.

첫번째 전문가 답변을 남겨주세요!
회원 답변글
답변일 10/31/2022 7:08:36 PM
DOB가 2022년 10월 몇일 이므로 미리 Medicare를 신청하면 10월 1일 부터 자격이 될 것입니다.
즉 9월 30일에는Covered CA 보험이 종료 되어야 하므로 8월 31일 이전에 이 사실을 Covered CA에 Report레 주는 것이 좋습니다. 빠를 수록 좋을 것입니다.미리 미리 하세요.그리고 Medicare 가입 준비를 하세요!
People who are eligible for Medicare must report their Medicare eligibility to Covered California within 30 days and will usually need to cancel their Covered California. Your Covered California plan won’t be automatically canceled when you become eligible for Medicare, even if you enroll in a Medicare plan with the same insurance company. You must cancel your plan yourself at least 14 days before you want your coverage to end by contacting Covered California.
답변일 10/31/2022 7:09:44 PM
If you are eligible for Medicare and you keep your Covered California plan, you may face serious consequences. For example:

You may have to pay back all or some of your premium tax credits to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Or, there could be a delay in your Medicare coverage start date. If you don’t sign up for Medicare Part B (medical insurance) during your initial enrollment period, you will have to wait for the general open enrollment period (Jan.1 to March 31), and then your coverage wouldn’t begin until July of that year.
In addition, you may have to pay lifetime penalties for late enrollment in Medicare and your premiums may increase by 10 percent or more.
There is an exception for people eligible for premium Part A. If you must pay for Medicare Part A, you may purchase a Covered California health plan instead of enrolling in Medicare Part A. You might also qualify for financial help to lower your plan costs, depending on your income. However, you may still face a permanent
답변일 10/31/2022 7:19:43 PM
late enrollment penalty for Part B if you don’t sign up during your initial enrollment period. It’s important to carefully think through your options.
[정정 ]2022 년을 2023년으로 고침니다.

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