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Q. 자동차 추돌사고 보상시효

지역California 아이디D**n7**** 공감0
조회1,706 작성일3/30/2016 6:38:05 PM
안녕 하세요
2년반쯤전 아들녀석이 차를몰고 나갔다가 freeway에서 차가 서있는 상태에서 앞차가 뒤로밀려와서 받혔읍니다
상대방 정보를 다 준비해서 네 자동차 보험회사에 알려 줬구요-보험은 full coverage임-재쪽 보험회사에서 쌍방보험을 들어가지고 있으니 수리비를 받아서 보내줄줄 알고 있었는데 소식이 없어서 제가 몇번 전화를해서 물었더니 상대방과 접촉을하고 있으니 기다리라는 얘기만 그때마다 하드군요
얼마전 보험 에이전트한테 찾아가서 물었드니 쌍방보험 카버리지를 갖고있드래도 deductible 이 넘어가는것은 내 보험회사에서 처리를 해주지만 그이상은 절보고 직접 청구를 하라고 합니다
보험회사에 보고할때 deductible 을 빼고 나머지를 먼저 보내줄거냐고 해서 푼돈이 될까봐서 한꺼번에 받았으면 한다고 했거든요
자동차 충돌 배상을 받을수있는 시기는 기간이 얼마나 되나요?
사고가 난때는 2년반쯤 된거 같은데요
현재 상대방 정보는 다가지고 있읍니다
조언 부탁 드립니다
감사 합니다
회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.

전문가 답변글
케빈 장 님 답변 답변일 3/31/2016 12:29:21 PM

Personal Injury (교통사고 케이스 포함) 의 경우, 공소시효가 2년이니 참고하시기 바라겠습니다.



케빈 장

직업 변호사

이메일 khjlawcorp@gmail.com

전화 213-221-1188

회원 답변글
답변일 3/31/2016 8:16:50 AM
What is the Car Accident Statute of Limitations in California?

First, let’s explain the legalese, for those who may not be fluent. A “statute of limitations” is a state law that sets a limit on the amount of time you have to go to court and file a lawsuit over some type of harm or loss. The specific deadline depends on the type of case you want to file.

As in most states, the statute of limitations that affects injury-related car accident lawsuits in California is the same as the larger one that applies to all personal injury cases filed in the state’s civil court system. Specifically, California Code of Civil Procedure section 335.1 sets a two-year deadline for the filing of “an action for...injury to, or for the death of, an individual caused by the wrongful act or neglect of another.” (Note: As it’s used here, “neglect” is interchangeable with “negligence,” which is the legal basis for establishing fault in most injury cases. Learn more about Car Accidents Caused by Negligence.)

When does the “clock” start running for purposes of the statute of limitations? It makes a difference whether the car accident resulted in injury or in death. If anyone was injured in the crash -- whether a driver, passenger, motorcycle rider, bicyclist, or pedestrian -- they must get their lawsuit filed within two years of the date of the accident. But if someone dies as a result of the accident and their family brings a wrongful death case against the at-fault driver, the “clock” starts on the date of the person’s death, if it is different from the date of the accident.

If you only want to file a lawsuit over damage to your vehicle, California Code of Civil Procedure section 338 gives you three years to get that kind of case filed against the at-fault driver.
답변일 3/31/2016 12:42:41 PM
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