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머니/재테크 세금/세무

Q. collection company와 빛을 탕감했습니다

지역New York 아이디c**es999**** 공감0
조회2,516 작성일3/10/2012 7:38:41 AM
collection company와 신용카드 빛을 settle을 했습니다.
그러나 그 회사에서 tax form을 받지못했고 전화를 해도 제 정보를 이미 다른 회사에 념겼담니다. 계속 전화를 해도 연략도 오지 않습니다.
settle액수를 빼고 tax보고를 해야하나요 아님 tax form을 받을때까지 기다릴까요
전문가님의 좋은 답변 부탁 드립니다.

제사 실업수당을 작년에 받았습니다.
실업수당을 신고 해야 하는지도 알고 싶습니다.

회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

전문가 답변글
ASK미국 님 답변 답변일 3/10/2012 11:47:54 AM
Form 1099-C를 포함하여 세금보고를 하셔야 합니다. 만약, 이것을 세금보고에 포함시키시지 않으시면 나중에 IRS로부터 tax information이 빠졌다는 letter를 받으실 것이고, 그렇게 되면 다시 amended tax return을 file하셔야 합니다.

4월 15일까지는 아직 시간이 있으므로 credit card debt settle을 도와준 회사와 연락하여 Form 1099-C를 받으신 후에 tax return을 file하십시오.

실업수당은 taxable income에 포함시키셔야 합니다.
회원 답변글
답변일 3/12/2012 11:17:21 PM
“그러나 그 회사에서 tax form을 받지못했고 전화를 해도 제 정보를 이미 다른 회사에 념겼담니다. 계속 전화를 해도 연략도 오지 않습니다.”--->As long as your account is still with the original credit card company, you will get a 1099 for the forgiven portion. However, since the account has been sold off to a collection agency, you may not get the 1099. The collection agency bought the debt for a deep discount. Accepting a settlement for less than the full balance would still be more than they paid for the debt. Since you settled debt , you could end up owing income taxes to the IRS or your State. The IRS considers debt that is settled for less as income. For example, if you spent $10,000 dollars on a credit card and say $7,000 was forgiven, you received essentially $7,000 of tax-free income. There are exceptions though to this rule.
“settle액수를 빼고 tax보고를 해야하나요 아님 tax form을 받을때까지 기다릴까요”----> Your creditors e.g.credit card company, must report any amount that is forgiven of $600 dollars or more. This typically only applies to the principal amount and not forgiven interest or penalties. The process starts whereby a creditor will notify you and the IRS with a 1099-C form after they charge off or write off your debt as uncollectible. Creditors do this to individuals who default or settle for less because they want to lower their tax liabilities. The 1099-C amount must be reported as income on your Federal tax return (if it does not meet any exceptions,i.e.,you do not have to report forgiven debt up to the point of insolvency). Make sure that the settlement or canceled debt amount on your 1099-C is correct. Moreover,you need to understand that a creditor normally cannot write off your debt, send you a 1099, and then sell your debt as well to a collection agency. Even if they do, you should not be held liable for the debt in most cases. The IRS also stresses that you should report any amount less than $600 on your tax return.

“제사 실업수당을 작년에 받았습니다.실업수당을 신고 해야 하는지도 알고 싶습니다.”--->It depends; every person who receives unemployment benefits during 2011 is eligible to exclude the first $2,400 of these benefits when they file their tax return next year. For a married couple, the exclusion applies to each spouse, separately. Thus, if both spouses receive unemployment benefits during 2011, each may exclude from income the first $2,400 of benefits they receive. As long as the amount exceeds $2,400, you need to report the whole UN benefits on your return. As you receive unemployment compensation , you should also receive Form 1099-G. Form 1099-G reflects the total unemployment compensation a taxpayer received for the taxable year. So, you may exclude the first $2,400 of unemployment compensation from the total taxable compensation amount.

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