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머니/재테크 세금/세무

Q. ca tax intercept

지역California 아이디d**ky71**** 공감0
조회819 작성일3/29/2012 1:57:44 PM
부부보고인데요 남편은 2011년 실직으로 소득이 없고요 저만 있는데 세금 보고 결과 몃백달러 CA으로부터 REFUND돈이 생겼는데(이거 내가 낸 세금임) 몃년전 남편이 사업을 하다가 정부기관으로 부터 티켓을(세금 관계는아님) 받았엇는데 돈이 없어 못내다 잊어먹고 살앗는데 요번에 이 기관에서 정부AGENT를 통해서 저의 REFUND을 COLLECT해가서 COLLECT AGENT에게 전화해서 그동안 왜 아무런 조치를 안햇냐고 물으니 남편이 인컴 발생 활동을 안해서 자기네 기록에 발견이 안되서 이번에 COLLECT한다고 하더군요.남편 벌금을 내가 낸 세금 중 REFUND받을 돈에서 COLLECT해갈수 있나요?
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* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

첫번째 전문가 답변을 남겨주세요!
회원 답변글
답변일 4/2/2012 2:41:34 PM

“남편 벌금을 내가 낸 세금 중 REFUND받을 돈에서 COLLECT해갈수 있나요?”---->It depends. Your state, CA, tax department is able to take part or all of your state tax refund for your spouse's debt, but you may be able to avoid the collection under certain circumstances. The debt that can be taken from your tax refund includes income taxes owed to the state and back child support payments. The state tax department checks your and your spouse's Social Security numbers with the debt database once you file your taxes jointly with your spouse or as married filing separately. A positive result determines how much of your tax refund is taken along with your spouse's. All of your refund is taken if the amount is not more than sufficient to pay the total debt owed, but you would receive the difference if your refund exceeds the money due. You would receive a notice from the state tax department if your refund is intercepted for your spouse's debt. The notice states how much was taken and which creditor the money was or will be paid to. You may be legally responsible for your spouse's debt even if you are not the main name on the account. A debt you co-signed for, like a federal student loan, is your responsibility if not paid, and you cannot receive injured spouse relief. I guess you need to contact CA FTB for more information in detail.
Please visit the CA FTB Website here: https://www.ftb.ca.gov/individuals/faq/treasuryOffsetFAQ.shtml

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