안녕하세요?. 일전에 Bankruptcy 문제로 글을 올린 후 여러분의 조언을 들었읍니다. 그런데 오늘 또 한통의 편지를 받았읍니다. 법에 관한 일이라 섣불리 판단하기도 어렵고 하여 여러 전문가님의 지도를 받고자 이 편지를 이곳에 올립니다.. ORDER AND NOTICE OF DISMISSAL FOR FAILURE TO FILE SCHEDULES. STATEMENTS AND/OR PLAN it appearing that the debtor(s) in the above-captioned case has failed to file all the documents required under F.R.B.P. 1007 or 3015(b) within 15 days afetr the filing of the pertition and no motion for an order extending tje time to file the requirede documents has been timely filed in accordance with F.R.B.P. 1007(a)(5) OR 3015(B).
IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT 1) the case is dismissed., the automatic stay vacated and all pending motions and adversary proceedings are moot and dismissed.
2) Any discharge entered in this case is hereby vacated in its entirety.