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법률 기타

Q. 카드빚,즉 콜렉션으로 넘어간 빚 또는 고소당하시더라도 무조건 갚지마세요.

지역California 아이디s**dyle**** 공감0
조회3,621 작성일2/25/2017 1:31:44 AM
빚에 대한 debt validation letter을 콜렉션컴퍼니에다 꼭 보내시고 법적으로 15일(Court Day)안에 못받으시면 빚 안갚아도 되요. 이후에 빚독촉 편지나 전화오면 하지말라고 고소한다고 서면으로 써서 보내세요..이런 경우에 고소하면 위자료 $1000.00이랑 actual damage포함해서 다 청구해서 받게되요.

(( Debt validation letter Sample))

My name:

Collection Agency:
Collection Agency Address:

Re: ACCT No:

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing this letter in response to the phone call/letter received from you on (Date). In conformance to my rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), I am requesting you to provide me with a validation of the debt that you talked of earlier. Please note, this is not a refusal to pay, rather a statement that your claim is disputed and validation is demanded. (15 USC 1692g Sec. 809 (b))
I do hereby request that your office provide me with complete documentation to verify that I owe the said debt and have any legal obligation to pay you.

Please provide me with the following:
1.the date of the last payment I made or the default date
2.my name and address that was on file with the charge off creditor
3.the charge off creditor's name
4.the account number of the charge off debt
5.my account balance when the creditor charged off my debt
6.the amount of interest and fees added after the charge off
7.complete payment history on this account along with an accounting of all additional charges being assessed
8.valid copies of the debt agreement attain the amount of the debt and interest charges
9.the agreement bearing my signature stating that I have agreed to assume the debt
10.the names of every entity that ever purchased my debt
11.your agreement with the creditor that authorizes you to collect on this alleged debt
12.show me that you are licensed to collect in my state
13.your license numbers and registered agent
14.proof that the statute of limitation has not expired

If your office fails to reply to this debt validation letter within 30 days from the date of your receipt, all instances related to this account must be immediately deleted and completely removed from my credit file. Moreover, all future attempts to collect on the said debt must be ceased.
Your non-compliance with my request will also be construed as an absolute waiver of all claims to enforce the debt against me and your implied agreement to compensate me for court costs and attorney fees if I am forced to bring this matter before a judge.
Thanking you,
Your Signature_______________________
Your Name__________________________

콜렉션 또는 law firm에서 빚을 무더기로 사는경우에 "As is" 상태로 산답니다. 아주 싼값에 그냥 서류들을 주는데로 받아야하는데, 거의 debt verification을 못한데요.
만약 빚독촉장을 받으면 반드시 Debt validation letter을 보내서 답장 안오면 빚은 바이바이가 되는거죠.

만약 고소당하시더라도 침착하게 법정서류들을 꼼꼼히 다 보시고 위엣것들이 같이 file이 안됬을 경우 judge앞에서 콜렉션컴퍼니가 debt validation을 할수있게 양식을 file하세요.
근데 첨에 file이 안되어있으면 서류가 없어서 못한거니까, 거의 hearing에 안나온답니다.
왜냐하면 빚은 내가 졌어도 그걸 증명하는건 콜렉션컴퍼니에서 해야되거든요.

밑에 글중에 고소장도 못받고 서류에도 하자가 있다고 말씀하신 분 경우엔 당연 상대방은 hearing에 안나옵니다. 만약 나오면 자기들이 잘못한게 아니라는걸 입증해야하고 못하면 case는 바로 dismiss with prejudice로 종결되고 fraud가 탄로났을 경우엔 라이센스까지 박탈당해요. 그니깐 맞는 양식들 file하고,증거들만 충분히 가지고 무조건 나가세요. 상대방은 99% 안나옵니다..

마지막으로 빚이 있으면 무조건 갚으라는 무식한 댓글들은 그 반대로 읽으시면 될꺼에요..
회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 5개입니다.

첫번째 전문가 답변을 남겨주세요!
회원 답변글
답변일 2/25/2017 6:26:11 PM

Dear sandy lee
in the first line you wrote " 15 days".

Is it 15 days or 30 days?
답변일 2/25/2017 6:42:56 PM
Dear oknanks

The Court Date Calculator is made available to assist in verifying a calculation of the number of court days from a given date. Court days do not include weekends or court holidays. 15days is court days so usually give enough time 30days .
답변일 2/26/2017 7:28:34 PM
Dear sandy lee

Thanks for your kind explanation!
I guess you are a lawyer. Are you in LA? ( If so , I had better consult with you , I think. Ilive in lA)
답변일 9/18/2017 8:04:19 PM
I received letters from a collection companies due to credit card debt.

Should I send " debt validation" letter or not?

something like following was was written:

"....if you sent a debt validation letter, we will get a record or get a Judgment and send it to you...."

Does it mean that if I send the debt validation letter, the collection company would go ahead for suing and get judgment?
답변일 6/4/2018 11:32:04 PM
Dear sandy lee

만약 고소당하시더라도 침착하게 법정서류들을 꼼꼼히 다 보시고 위엣것들이 같이 file이 안됬을 경우 judge앞에서 콜렉션컴퍼니가 debt validation을 할수있게 양식을 file하세요.
라고 하셨는데,어떻게 해야하는지 알려주셨으면 고맙겠습니다.

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