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유학/교육 어학/유학

Q. 식당에 갔었는데..말이 안나오더라구요;;

지역California 아이디s**erinf**** 공감0
조회6,268 작성일12/18/2007 4:27:30 PM

식당에 갔는데,

자리가 꽉 차있더라구요,

그래서 '자리가 없나요? 얼마나 기다려야되죠?'

라고 물어보려고 했는데

딱히 말이 생각이 안나서요;

Is there any seat we can have? 이 문장은 문법에 맞나요?

How long we have to wait?

이건 어떤가요?


식당에서 쓰이는 영어들좀 알려주셔요!
회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 4개입니다.

전문가 답변글
윤영작 님 답변 답변일 12/19/2007 11:59:23 AM
우선, Is there any seat we can have? 문장은 문법적으로 정확히 맞는
문장입니다. 다만, 식당에서는 seat 보다는 table 이라는 말을 씁니다.
예를들어, 두 사람이 앉을 수 있는 자리가 있을 까요? 할 때

-Is there a table for two? 또는
-Do you have a table for two? 또는
-I'd ike a table for two. 로 하면 됩니다.

예약을 하지 않는 경우에
-We didn't make a reservation.
Have you got a table for two? 로 하면 되겠습니다.

얼마나 기다려야 하나요? 는
-How long do we have to wait? 또는
-How long will it be? 로 하면 되겠습니다.

그 외에, 창가에 자리가 있나요 표현은
-Do you have a table by the window?
-I prefer a table by the widnow.

"그냥 들어가서 자리를 찾아도 되나요" 라는 표현은
-Can I just go ahead and find a table? 라고 하면 됩니다.

주문하 실 때는
-I'd like to have (또는 order) xxxx. 또는
-I want to have xxxx.

미국음식은 soup 이나 salad 가 따라오니까 다음에 표현도 알아두시면
좋을 것 같습니다.
-Would you like soup or sald?
-I'd like soup. ( I'd like salad.)
-What kind of dressing would you like?
-I'd like French.

LA 중앙일보 교육문화센터 영어강사

필립 정 님 답변 답변일 12/19/2007 6:48:23 PM
식당에 가셨는데 말이 잘 나오지 않는것은 식당에서의 대화록을 보지 못했기 때문입니다. 다음에 게시하는 대화 내용은 본 연구소가 출판한 SBA 비지니스 영어책에 나오는 일 부분을 인용해 드립니다. 영어본문은 쉬운 어휘들로 구성되어 있기 때문에 영어로 이해 하는데 쉬울것 입니다. 한국어로 해석하지 말고, 그대로 영어로 이해 하여서 암기 하였다가 영어로 말 하세요.
Actual Dialog Practice No. 1
Frank makes a reservation / for a party of four at a fancy restaurant. After arriving, Albert the waiter takes the order /for Frank and the party of four.
A: Good evening, Welcome. Do you have a reservation?
B: No, we don’t have a reservation yet.
A: How many in your party?
B: A party of four?
party = group
A: Would you like a smoking or non smoking
B: Non-smoking please.
A: We’ll have a table ready /in just a few min¬utes.
B: Thank you.
A few minutes later…
A: We have a table ready for Frank, party of four.
B: Yes, here we are.
A: Hello everyone, I will be your waiter this evening. My name is Albert. Would you like to start you off with some drinks?
B: I’d like to have some wine.
A: Would you care to see the wine list?
B: Yes, please. (After looking at the wine list) I want a bottle of Rose.
A: That’s a very good choice sir. Would you like have more time to see the menu while I go get your drinks?
B: That would be great. Oh and one more thing, can you give me some ice water?
A: Sure. I’ll be right back…
Albert comes back with the drinks.
A: Here you go, are you ready to order?
B: We need a few more minutes.
A: No problem. I’ll come back in a few min¬utes.
B: What is the special of the day?
A: The special of the day is a New York steak with baked potato.
B: Does that come with a salad?
A: Yes. What kind of dressing would you like?
B: What kind of dressing do you have?
A: We have French, Italian, Blue cheese, Thou¬sand Island, and Honey Mustard.
B: I would like to have /the honey mustard on the side please.
A: Sure.
B: I’d like that without MSG, please.
MSG = monosodium glutamate, typically used in Chinese food
A: OK. How would you like your steak pre¬pared?
B: I’d like my steak medium rare.
Medium rare = The outside is grey-brown, the very middle of the steak / may still be red, fading through pink / to a grey-brown /near the surface of the meat.
A: Here’s your order.
B: Thank you.
Minutes later…
A: How’s your steak, Sir?
B: The meat is too fatty (or the meat has two much fat). Could I have some more bread, please?
A: Sorry about that. Is there anything else I can get for you this evening besides more bread?

B: Could we have a doggie bag?
a doggie bag = a special bag or container / for taking uneaten food home / from a restaurant (as if it were being taken home / to feed the dog)
A: Sure, I’ll bring that right out. Would you like to try one of our desserts?
B: No, thank you. Could I have the check?
A: You can pay at the register.
At the register…
B: There seems to be a mistake. I think the bill came up /to a bit more than the actual price.
A: Let me check it out, I’ll be right back…
We double-checked /and didn’t find any er¬rors.
B: Aha! I see, I didn’t calculate the two bottles of wine. Sorry about that. Thank you, Good bye.
A: Thank you, please come again.
John Park makes a reservation /at the Wilshire Garden Restaurant for a party of four. They arrive at the restaurant at seven thirty pm and Alice, the waitress, greets them.
A: Hello, Wilshire Garden. May I help you?
B: Hi, I’d like to make a reservation for four at
seven this evening.
A: I’m afraid we’re booked at that time. Could
Day 7
Actual Dialog Practice No. 2
you make it at seven-thirty?
B: All right.
A: Thank you, sir. You have a party for four re¬served /at seven thirty for this evening. Your name, sir?
B: My name is John Park.
A: Thank you for calling, Mr. Park. See you later. Wilshire Garden at seven thirty…
A: Good evening! Welcome to the Wilshire
Garden. How are you this evening?
B: Pretty good. We have a reservation.
A: OK. What’s your name?
B: John Park.
A: Yes, Mr. Park. A reservation for four, right?
B: That’s right. Can we have that table by the window?
A: Certainly. We have a nice upstairs dinning room available. Would you like the upstairs?
B: Sure.
위의 대화 내용을 잘 활용하시면 영어의 기본 패턴을 익힐 수 있어서 다른 경우에도 많이 쓰일 수 있습니다. 가능하면 CD 를 구입하셔서 미국인 어나운서의 발음공부도 곁들이면 좋을것 입니다. 자세한 문의는 한미 영어교육 연구소, 680 S. Wilshire place. Suite 314, Los Angeles, California 90005
213)388-9300, Fax. 213)388-9355, E-mail; info@thinkin-english.com
회원 답변글
답변일 12/18/2007 8:31:36 PM
Do you have any seat? or No seat? How long wait for seat?
뭘 주문하고 싶다면 "I'd like order XXXXX." menu좀 보고...:" let me look menu" 어떤 종류가 있느냐?:"what kind of
XXXX(soup, bread, dressing, fish, beer, wine)?"
답변일 2/20/2008 11:03:08 AM
너무 어렵게 가르켜 주신것 같다.

자리가 없나요? - 손가락 내보이며 "TWO ?" or "For Two?" or "For Two People? "

얼마나 기다려야되죠?' - How long ?


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유학/교육 어학/유학

sweep out +1
