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법률 기타

Q. 은행에서 W-8ben이라는게왔습니다;

지역Washington 아이디d**shekk**** 공감0
조회2,475 작성일9/26/2011 6:49:23 PM
와코비아 은행에서 W-8Ben이라는게 집으로 날라왔습니다.

W-8Ben이거에 대해서 저는 아무것도몰릅니다 이렇게 써있네요

Dear Customer:
According to our records, you are claiming foregin status as a non-resident alien individual or other non-u.s entity which mean that domestic information reporting and backup withholding are not required on the interest earned on your accounts. today we are writin to let you know your claim is incomplete, will soon expire or has expired.

다른종이에는 Certificate of Foreign Status of Beneficial Owner
for United States Tax Withholding
Complete a form W-8ben for each beneficial owner of the account

여러가지를 작성하라고하고 소셜넘버도 적으라고하네요

저는 불체자인데...그냥 데빗카드용으로 쓰고있는데 갑자기 이런게날라오네요;

무슨뜻이고 제가 꼭 이거를해야되는지요?
회원 답변하기


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