Since you paid in cash, it will be difficult to prove that you paid. If possible, you need to get evidence such as witnesses, withdraw receipt from a bank, or anything you can think of to prove you paid. Otherwise, you are probably going to lose if he sues you.
회원 답변글
G**bawo**** 님 답변
답변일1/27/2011 7:51:23 PM
저도 옛날에 개-같은 친구한테 똑같이 당하고 하도 화가나서,,, Gun-Show 하길레 45구경으로 한정사서 영수증을 친구집에 우송했더니 그후 어디루 이사갔는지모름돠. . 난 단지 호신용으로 샀을뿐인데~ㅎ