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정부혜택서비스 연금/각종수당/SSI

Q. EDD claim disqualified - why?

지역California 아이디l**l**ie**** 공감0
조회2,866 작성일9/3/2021 7:15:31 PM

Can someone help us understand why my family’s disability EDD claim was disqualified?

Date of injury was late September 2020, a workplace injury. Still worked through the pain but later learned it was a serious injury. Received shoulder surgery in early April (4/3/2021) and has not worked since. Workers comp was filed but no answer from employer’s worker’s comp insurance company so just filed a claim with EDD on 8/20/2021, and it was certified by the doctor. Just got notification on my EDD online account that the claim was disqualified. There’s no explanation of why (initially chose paper for communication preference, so determination letter will likely be coming via mail). But this is a long time to wait, so hoping someone with expertise can help us out. 

Based on the EDD website, the only eligibility criteria that we didn’t meet is that you should file EDD within 49 days of disability or you *may* lose benefits. Since it said *may* we thought we still could get the benefits even if decreased benefit amount. Could this be why the claim was disqualified? 

Also, we plan to appeal as soon as the determination letter comes. Anything special we should keep in mind/look out for in the appeals process?  Really appreciate any help you could provide. 

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* 등록된 총 답변수 1개입니다.

전문가 답변글
김영산 님 답변 답변일 9/3/2021 8:02:02 PM

"The illness or injury must be non-work related." (SDI)


"If you and your doctor think that you are going to be disabled for longer than a year,

you should apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). "



Checking the status of your workers' comp claim on a regular basis by contacting your employer or their insurance company (insurance adjuster) is strongly recommended!

Hats off to you for serving 20 years in military!

一路順風 (일로순풍) ! !


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직업 부동산 브로커

이메일 sunnyyssmile@gmail.com

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