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여행/취미/일상 일상/미국생활

Q. 연방 공무원 Application 작성 질문

지역California 아이디p**pc**** 공감0
조회4,197 작성일1/25/2010 10:19:42 AM
안녕 하세요
연방 공무원 US Department of treasury 의 사무보조 (Office Automation worker) 에 지원 하려 합니다.

작성중에 아래와 같은 질문 이 있어 어떻게 기재를 해야 하는지 궁금해서 여쭈어 봅니다.

1:Skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships and tactfully interacting with all levels and types of people.

2:Skill in answering telephones and taking/forwarding messages.

위의 2 문항에 어떻게 작성을 해야 하는지요.

어떤 내용의 답을 작성해야 하는지,감이 오지가 않네요.....

답변 부탁 드리겠습니다.
회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

전문가 답변글
스티븐 안 님 답변 답변일 1/25/2010 10:36:29 AM
Thanks for asking...

For #1...Imagine you are sitting in a reception during an ordinary working day. You have a visitor who needs to contact one of the supervisors, managers or shift workers, etc. Explain your skill and ability of how to handle the events. If you receive a complaint from a customer, how do you handle that customer's need. If one of the managers needs to travel, how do you arrange the flights and hotels.

You don't need to describe all the details, but state that you have extensive experiences with such office working environment. List the jobs you have had.

For #2...Imagine you answer the phone as a receptionist during an ordinary working day. The caller may ask for an office tour, some general questions about the office, a specific person in the office, a supervisor, a manager... etc. Explain your experience, ability and skills how to handle the incoming calls.

Again, you don't have to go with all the details, but list the jobs you have had with such working environment.

Hope it helps.

미 국립 기상청 수석 예보관

스티븐 안

직업 미 국립 기상청 수석 예보관

이메일 wxcal@yahoo.com

전화 907-523-9768

회원 답변글
답변일 1/25/2010 2:57:19 PM
답변 감사합니다!

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