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Q. 소설 vs 실화 (1)

지역California 아이디j**n202**** 공감0
조회2,176 작성일12/3/2017 10:25:01 AM
I tell you my story
I came back to US from S. Korea on Aug 20, 2017 putting 5 ½ years of life behind in South korea. I hate the polices in S. Korea because they are the one who were spreading my
personal stories around people : My marriage, about my mother, my kids..
I decided to go back to US believing that US life would not be the same compare
to what I went through in South Korea.
I lived in US for 30 years so I knew the environment and atmosphere surrounded.
But guess what when I came back to US unlike the way of my life before I had to
go through same environment I went through in South Korea.
Why? Because someone set it up purposely.
I was amazed about how espanol Hispanic people in Los Angeles they all recognized me.
And I found out that they are the one who recognize me first then tell other nationality.
I asked myself what is going on.
I had no relationship with Hispanic people while I lived in US for 30 years.
Why these people suddenly attacking me emotionally and looked at me so bad.
They all also attempt to scratch my car.
Being what is happening in my school, citrus college
They also say the name of Mr. Chang. One students who’s name is Sa***l. He told me that
crazy stocker was doing all this to my life. But I asked why majority of Hispanic People are
involved. I went to Los Angeles Police station to get the help.
I talked to Cop Choi but instead of he investigates he want me to bring the
Evidence. My life was being tortured by the rumor and recognizing my face.
The way Cop Choi looking at Hispanic co-worker he knew that my rumor and
The happening of my life was involved with Hispanic people.
No one was bothered me sitting in that police station bench but two Hispanic
cops came with Mr. choi. They told to Mr. Choi to send me home.
I came back to Glendora.
On my way back from Los Angeles to Glendora, two car was chasing me In freeway.
Well~ no accident so it is OK. But the matter is when I came back to Glendora.
Hispanic people’s attitude toward me became a lot changed and differ
within few hours. I regonized that Hispanic cop is involved. Also while I talked
With the Mexican lady who I rent the room. I could feel that my rumor and recognizing my
face is involved with police. I guess Espanol Hispanic cop most likely.
I am sure they all talked behind.
I visit Glendora Police Station because of due to scratching my car here and there unlike
before my US life. The other police, not espanol Hispanic looked at Hispanic co-worker and
agreed that what I am experiencing now should stop.
The other incident was I asked whether Mr. Chang got the police when I came to
Los angeles to pick up my package. Something was really up in Hispanic Community.
One Hispanic lady in post office in Los Angeles told me “YES”.
Through all these incidents even though I did not have the evidence on my hand
through the sense I recognized that espanol Hispanic police, cop or what so ever
involved my happening in my life now.
While I stay in Glendora I talked to one of students who’s name is Sa****l that
My car is kept on being scratched purposely. Guess what on that night they
Scratched more back of my car. The back bump. I noticed that what I have
Communicate with Sa***l, he talked about my conversation to security guard in
Citrus college.
The way of girl Hispanic students look at the security guard in school, I can notice
They are the one who were doing something wrong to me in the school.
I could not stand on the rumor and the way people look at me in school,
I did not want to hurt anyone but I was hoping to finish this incident occuring
Around me. Even I pay the money I decided to hire a private investigator.
And I did. In the car the private investigator and me came up with same thought that
the person who is doing behind now to me is the same person who screw my pharmacy life
back in 2008 Toledo, Ohio. They spread rumor like this at that time around where I stay
purposely then they attempt recorded what I said because I will definitely response
something. Wrong translation. Yes it was wrong translation compare to what I left
the message in one of student’s phone. The espanol Hispanic cop call Toledo tell all
what my ex-huband created or said -> make me bad person then put me into
mental hospital. Who the hell know police has that type of power to do..
If someone come up to hurt oneself or any others. I guess it is espanol Hispanic cop’s
Ideas and taught my ex-husband to spread the rumor among Korean students. And to others
I am sure they do have the sources as they did this time.
It seems like my private investigator talked to the other private investigator who work
For Mr. Chang and that Hispanic cop line crew. Next day my school’s environment
And atmosphere toward me was disaster. So many People was looking at me bad at once
I could not take them all at once.
Next day morning I went to Glendora police station to talk and get some help in 6 Am.
The Police in Glendora station asked me “Do you hear anything?” Then he said you
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* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

첫번째 전문가 답변을 남겨주세요!
회원 답변글
답변일 12/4/2017 1:19:01 AM
No thank you, your story.
답변일 12/4/2017 7:24:28 AM
영어가 너무 엉망이라 번역기도 작동을 잘 못하네. 그냥 한국말로 적어

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