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여행/취미/일상 기타

Q. 겨울철 뉴욕시 아파트 난방온도 규정

지역New York 아이디h**011**** 공감0
조회5,696 작성일2/6/2010 11:54:03 PM
플러싱 헤리테이지 아파트에 삽니다. 주변에서 이아파트 춥기로 악명이 높은데,

뉴욕시 난방 기준 온도가 얼마나 되는지 좀 알려주십시요.

실내온도가 겨울내내 화씨 53도(섭씨12도)나오는데,

이정도면 311에 신고할 온도인가요?

회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

첫번째 전문가 답변을 남겨주세요!
회원 답변글
답변일 2/7/2010 12:22:21 AM
일단 신고해서 너무 추운데 온도가 이렇다고 말하세요.
온도가 낮고 drift 도 많아서 더 춥다고.
53이면 신고 빼고라도 정말 춥겠네요.
답변일 2/7/2010 1:55:26 PM
Heating Requirements for New York City
In effect October 1 to May 31

Also see:

CTRC Fact Sheet: Heat & Hot Water Complaints
Getting and Keeping Gas and Electricity Service


Time of If Outside Temp. Inside Temp must
Day is less than: be more than:

6:00 am - 10:00 pm 55° 68°
10:00 pm - 6:00 am 40° 55°

If You Have Problems With Heat In Your Building:
Use the form below to record the inside and outside temperature. Call the Weather Bureau at (212) 976-1212 to get the official outside temperature. Use a thermometer to take the temperature inside your apartment.

Call the Central Complaint Bureau at (212) 824-4328 to register your complaint. You should call each day you have a heating problem. They are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Write and call your landlord. Send letters by certified mail, return receipt requested and keep a copy of the letter. Keep a list of each date and time you called your landlord to complain.

Consider organizing a tenant's association and filing an HP Action against your landlord in Housing Court. If you live in a rent regulated apartment, consider filing a complaint with the Division of Housing and Community Renewal (718) 519-5678.

Sample Heat Record




Date: Time: Outside Temp Inside Temp Initials
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