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Q. how to fix public record on my credit report that is not mine.

지역California 아이디J**2000G**** 공감0
조회1,087 작성일10/29/2012 4:56:04 PM
i have credit card collection judgement showing on my credit report. i talked to citi bank and dispute it ( wrote letter contains necessary info, they have asked me to send)but they say i have to contact 3 credit breau and i wrote letter to them but they said cant' move it. i never had citi bank credit card in my life. how can i remove this record. why would someone intentionary put someone else default account under my name.judgement was for jae shin. we just have same last name.

please tell me how to get this public record off that isn't mine.

can i sue the citi bank for harrsement?

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