켈리포니아는 주세금보고의 경우 10월까지 자동연장되네요.
납부할 세금이 있으면 바우처를 이용해 4월15일까지 납부하고 그렇지 않은 경우
서류제출할 필요없이 자동연장 됩니다.
다음의 내용을 참조하세요.
State Income Tax (Franchise Tax Board)
If you can't file by April 15, you have an automatic six-month extension to file your return until October 15. You don't have to file a written request to receive the extension because it's paperless. However, the extension to file does not mean an extension to pay. Use Payment Voucher for Automatic Extension for Individuals (FTB 3519) if you owe tax and are unable to file your tax return by April 15.
If you are residing or traveling abroad on April 15, California law allows you an additional two months to file your return. This extension, when combined with the automatic six-month paperless extension, extends the due date to December 15. When filing your return, please attach a statement to the front of the return indicating you were abroad on April 15. Again, this is not an extension to pay.
감사합니다. johnnytax.com