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여행/취미/일상 기타

Q. Just wondering

지역California 아이디j**on9176**** 공감0
조회750 작성일6/24/2010 4:34:01 PM
I'm a 2nd generation Korean American Christian. Recently, I was invited by my friend to watch one of the Korean 2010 World Cup matches at his Korean church in Los Angeles and then attend the early morning service. It was fun, but I felt strange being surrounded by people wearing "Red Devil" shirts in church while worshipping. Some of the younger women even had on devil horns as part of their outfits. Am I alone in thinking that there is something wrong with a church holding such viewing parties? Just wondering what other Korean Christians think of this phenomenon.
회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 4개입니다.

첫번째 전문가 답변을 남겨주세요!
회원 답변글
답변일 6/24/2010 11:14:28 PM
이상할것 하나도없습니다
교회는 하나의 비지니스일뿐이죠
하느님을 팔아서 노인들의 웰페어의 10%를 갖다바치게하는 그런.....
그 돈이 하늘로 보내집니까?
아닙니다 교회를운영하는 사람들의 주머니속으로 스르르 흘러들어갑니다.
목사란 어느사람들처럼 결혼하고 쎅스를하는 하나도 다른점이란 없는
그런 속된 인간일뿐입니다
나이드신 노인네들 푼돈 긁어뫃아 별짓다하는곳입니다
LA에 한국교회가 수천개이고 블럭마다 어디는 있고
그 수천개의 교회에는 적어도 한명이상의 목사가있을터이죠
100명도아니고 수천명의 목사들..
이들이 진정한 목자라고 생각하십니까???

얼마후에 실제로 격겪은 저의 어머님나가시던 교회의 목사가 한 짓을 공개할까합니다.
답변일 6/25/2010 7:57:08 AM
Howard Hong does not answer your question but just criticizes the church.

You know all your friends have different names. when you call their names, do you think about any meaning of their names? Although each one may have a meaning of name we just call other's name even without thinking about any meanig of his or her name. Because of that reason, we just call the team's name as "Red Devil". It may not a good name to shout in a church if we think about the meaning of the name.

As you said, I feel not comfortable call "Red Devil" if I think about the meaning of their name. However, it is a just their name. I think you are a good Christian, so you do not want to call even a bad name. I respect your pure heart. Bless your heart!!!
답변일 6/25/2010 10:35:11 AM
Apple Tree,
It's not just a name. How would you feel if your son shouts your enemy name joyously in your face and try to mimic how your emeny dresses and how he talks?
Would you just smile because it's just a name?
Absolutely No!
The church is supposed to be a house of worship.
Jesus himself drove greedy merchants out of the temple because it's not a place for such activities.
The church promotes holiness and by hosting world cup soccer festivities, it's contradicting itself.
답변일 6/25/2010 11:18:21 AM
blue ocean님, 순수하신 신앙에 경외심을 표합니다. 저도 님과 같은 마음이지만, 세상의 사람들이 즐기는 것을 교회에서 즐기겠다는 이민교회의 특성을 이해하지 않을 수도 없네요. 저는 단 즐거워하는 사람들과 같이 즐기겠다는 것을 비판하는 것을 삼가하고 싶습니다. 다시 님과 같은 순수한 신앙인이 계시다는 것이 참 감사 할 일입니다

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