문학가들이나 비평가들이 사용하는 문학용어들을 정리한 내용입니다. 많은 단어들이 실제 SAT 시험이나 AP English Literature 시험과 직접 관련이 있으니 참고하시기 바랍니다.
IDYLL: A lyric poem or passage that describes a kind of ideal life or place (전원시, 목가)
IMAGE: A word or phrase representing that which can be seen, touched, tasted, smelled, or felt. (상, 초상화)
INDIRECT QUOTATION: A rendering of a quotation in which actual words are not stated but only approximated or paraphrased. (간접인용)
INVECTIVE: A direct verbal assault; a denunciation. (맹렬한 비난, 공격)
IRONY: A mode of expression in which the intended meaning is the opposite of what is stated, often implying ridicule or light sarcasm; a state of affairs or events that is the reverse of what might have been expected. (반어, 풍자)
KENNING: A device employed in Anglo-Saxon poetry in which the name of a thing is replaced by one of its functions or qualities, as in “ring-giver” for king and “whale-road” for ocean. (대칭법)(boat 대신 또는 부가어로서 wave traveler를 쓰는 따위의 시적 표현)
LAMPOON: A mocking, satirical assault on a person or situation. (풍자문, 풍자시)
LIGHT VERSE: A variety of poetry meant to entertain or amuse, but sometimes with a satirical thrust. (가벼운 시)
LITOTES: A form of understatement in which the negative of the contrary is used to achieve emphasis or intensity. (곡언법; 강조를 위해 반대로 말하는)
LOOSE SENTENCE: A sentence that follows the customary word order of English sentences, i.e., subject-verb-object. The main idea of the sentence is presented first and is then followed by one or more subordinate clauses. See also periodic sentence. (산열문)
LYRIC POETRY: Personal, reflective poetry that reveals the speaker‘s thoughts and feelings about the subject. (서정시)
MAXIM: A saying or proverb expressing common wisdom or truth. See also adage and aphorism. (격언)
MELODRAMA: A literary form in which events are exaggerated in order to create an extreme emotional response. (멜로드라마, 통속극)
METAPHOR: A figure of speech that compares unlike objects. (은유)
METAPHYSICAL POETRY: The work of poets, particularly those of the seventeenth century, that uses elaborate conceits, is highly intellectual, and expresses the complexities of love and life. (추상시)
METER: The pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables found in poetry. (격조, 운율)
METONEMY: A figure of speech that uses the name of one thing to represent something else with which it is associated. (전유. 사물을 직접 가리키는 대신 그 속성·특징으로 나타내는 방법)
MIDDLE ENGLISH: The language spoken in England roughly between 1150 and 150
0 A.D. (중기 영어)
MOCK EPIC: A parody of traditional epic form. (영웅시)
MODE: The general form, pattern, and manner of expression of a work of literature. (양식, 방법, 방식)
MONTAGE: A quick succession of images or impressions used to express an idea. (몽타주)
MOOD: The emotional tone in a work of literature. (심리 상태)
MORAL: A brief and often simplistic lesson that a reader may infer from a work of literature. (윤리상의)
MOTIF: A phrase, idea, or event that through repetition serves to unify or convey a theme in a work of literature. (주제)
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