Medicare Advantage Plan 및 Part D 플랜 구입은 플랜 서비스 지역 내에 거주해야 하므로 . . .
한국에서는 메디케어 파트 D를 구입할 수 없으며, (주 거주지 변경시, 보고의 의무가 있으며)
한국 의료보험은 Creditable Coverage 의 아래 요건들을 충족을 못하는 이유로 ,
Medicare 파트 D 플랜에 다시 가입하는 경우, penalty을 지불해야 할것으로 보이네요.
Creditable Coverage
"The Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) requires entities (whose policies include prescription drug coverage) to notify Medicare eligible policyholders whether their prescription drug coverage is creditable coverage, which means that the coverage is expected to pay on average as much as the standard Medicare prescription drug coverage.
For these entities, there are two disclosure requirements:
요건 1. The first disclosure requirement is to provide a written disclosure notice to all Medicare eligible individuals annually who are covered under its prescription drug plan, prior to October 15th each year and at various times . . .
요건 2. The second disclosure requirement is for entities to complete the Online Disclosure to CMS Form (Form CMS-10198) to report the creditable coverage status of their prescription drug plan . . . "
"Medicare calculates the penalty by multiplying 1% of the "national base beneficiary premium" ($33.37 in 2022, $32.74 in 2023) times the number of full, uncovered months you didn't have Part D or creditable coverage." <- - - 참조해보세요.