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법률 기타

Q. 리스 계약서에서 CASp가 의무 사항인가요?

지역California 아이디m**y1**** 공감0
조회1,231 작성일2/20/2014 5:08:39 PM
몰 안에 위치한 리테일 스토어를 리스하려고 하는데, 계약서에 아래와 같은 내용이 있습니다.
1. 이게 의무 조항이여서 꼭 테넌트가 해야하는 사항인지 알고 싶습니다.
2. landlord가 리스가 끝나는 경우에도 이 CASp Report를 제 비용으로 하고 제출하라고 하는데 맞는 내용인가요?

CALIFORNIA ACCESSIBILITY DISCLOSURE. Pursuant to Section 1938 of the California Civil Code, Landlord hereby advises Tenant that the Premises, as delivered to Tenant, has not undergone an inspection by a Certified Access Specialist (CASp). Landlord makes no representations or warranties with respect to the Premises complying with any applicable federal, state and local standards, codes, rules and regulations governing physical access for persons with disabilities at places of public accommodation, including, but not limited to, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act, California Building Standards Code, or California Health and Safety Code (collectively, the “Accessibility Laws”). Tenant is solely responsible for complying with all Accessibility Laws with respect to the Premises and for engaging a CASp to perform an inspection describing whether or not the Premises meets all construction-related accessibility standards found in the Accessibility Laws. To the extent the CASp inspection report indicates that the Premises does not meet all of the Accessibility Laws, Tenant shall immediately make all alterations or renovations required to bring the Premises into compliance with the Accessibility Laws. Within thirty (30) days of the Required Completion Date, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord a copy of the CASp inspection report demonstrating that the Premises is in full compliance with the Accessibility Laws.
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