American opportunity Credit(Hope Education Credit) Credit may be claimed f the following condition are met: 1. Payment is made for tuition and fees for the first 4 years of post-secondary education (note: room and board is not allowed): 2. Payment is made for taxpayer, spouse or dependent. 3. Student is at least a half-time student, and 4. Payment must be made during the tax year for an academic period beginning during the first 3 months of the following tax year. 대학 4학년까지 부양학생당 최소 $4,000 이상의 비용이 들어갔으면 최고 2,500까지 공제가능. 등록금, 책값 포함Room & Board 제외. They maximum credit is $2,500 per year per student. 40% 정도는 환불가능
Lifetime Learning Credit Credit may be claimed if the following conditions are met: 1. Payment is made for undergraduate or graduate courses. 2. Payment is made for taxpayer, spouse or dependent. 3. Payment is made after June 1. 1998. 4. Student does not have to be at least a half-time student, and 5. Payment must be made during the tax year for an academic during the first 3 months of the following tax year Credit is 20% of the qualifying expenses up to $10,000 and the maximum credit is $2,000 per year per taxpayer 학생수에 관계없이 한 Taxpayer 당 $2,000까지