"If you are also eligible for retirement benefits,but haven't applied yet, . . .
You can apply for retirement or survivors benefits now
and switch to the other (higher) benefit later."
https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/survivors/ifyou.html <- - - 참조해보세요.
본인이 우선 사망 배우자의 연금을 수령하다가
70세가 되면 본인의 (더 높은) 연금으로 전환을 할 수 있으며 . . .
참고로, 생존 배우자는 (정년은퇴 나이 이후) 70세 까지 survivor benefit 청구의 지연 delay 으로 유족 연금 survivor benefit 의 액수를 늘릴 수 없습니다.
"Survivor benefits are frozen in time at the date of the worker’s death.
They are worth 100% of what the deceased worker received or was entitled to receive; less if collected earlier."