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정부혜택서비스 연금/각종수당/SSI

Q. 실업수당 자격에 대한 오해

지역California 아이디m**ev**** 공감0
조회2,071 작성일12/1/2010 6:16:30 PM
실업수당 자격요건에 대핸 질문에 대해 많은분들이 무턱대고 레이오프 된경우가 아니면 자격이 안된다고 답해주시는데 책임없는 조언 인것 같아 EDD 의 원문 안내문 복사하여 올립니다. 자신이 원해서 그만두었거나 해고 당했을경우도 이유가 합당한지 심사 (신청자와 전화 인터뷰및 그만둔 경위에 대한서류설명) 를 거친후 수혜 자격여부를 결정 짓게 됩니다. 무조건 자신 사퇴했거나 잘못으로 (고용주가 주장하는) 해고당했을경우는 신청할수 없다는 잘못된 조언들 때문에 신청도 안하고 포기하는분들 게실까봐 안내 드립니다.

California Officer

The reason an individual is out of work can affect his/her eligibility for benefits. A person who is laid off is out of work through no fault of his/her own. A person who quits work or is fired from work will be scheduled to a telephone interview because there is a separation issue that must be resolved. The Department interviewer obtains and documents information about the separation from the employer and claimant and decides, according to law and regulations, if the person is eligible to collect benefits. The Department mails a notice to the claimant who is not eligible for benefits. The Department mails a notice to the employer who responded timely to the notice of claim filed. The notice advises the employer about whether the claimant is eligible or not, and whether the employer's account will be charged for benefits paid to the former employee. Either party can disagree with an unfavorable decision and file an appeal.

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