"Work may boost your benefits
Your earnings can increase your monthly benefit amount -
even after you start receiving benefits.
Each year, Social Security Administration (SSA) check your earnings record if you continue to work. If your latest year of earnings turns out to be one of your highest 35 years,
we, (SSA) will automatically recalculate your benefit amount and pay you any increase due."
Fact Sheet For Workers Ages 70 And Up <- - - 찬찬히 읽어 보세요.
"Because you are age 70 or older, you will receive no additional benefit increases
if you continue to delay claiming them."
"70세 이후 delay claiming 으로 증가율(8%)은 더이상 해당사항이 없지만,
70세 이후 최근 소득이 가장 높은 35년 중 하나인 경우면, 사회보장국은
혜택 금액을 자동으로 재계산하고 인상액을 지불할 것입니다."