법적 별거의 전환 (Reverse the legal separation)
“Couples will need to obtain a copy of the original Order of Legal Separation from the clerk of the family court where you first filed for legal separation.
A Judgment of Legal Separation must state how long the legal separation lasts. ORS 107.475. At the end of the time stated in the judgment, the Judgment of Legal Separation will expire.
법적 별거판결에 명시된 시간이 끝나면 법적 별거 판결이 만료됩니다.
If the Judgment of Legal Separation has no expiration date, the terms of the judgment will continue until the parties are divorced, the Judgment of Legal Separation is modified, or the parties obtain an order to dismiss the Judgment of Legal Separation
법적 별거 판결에 만료 날짜가 없는 경우, 이혼하거나, 법적 별거 판결이 수정되거나, 법적 별거 판결을 기각한다 라는 명령을 받을 때까지 판결 조건이 지속됩니다.
You need to file the Motion and Order to Vacate with the clerk of the family court including a copy of your original Order of Legal Separation. You will need to use the same court where you legal separation was filed.
법적 별거 명령서 사본을 포함 하여 가정 법원 서기에게 이의 신청 및 법적 별거 무효 명령 을
법적 별거가 제기 된 동일한 법원에 제출함으로써. . .”
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