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유학/교육 기타

Q. daca 신분으로 리얼 id 가능하나요

지역California 아이디h**ree**** 공감0
조회2,702 작성일11/7/2018 4:10:17 PM
daca 신분으로 리얼 id 신청 가능하나요
회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

첫번째 전문가 답변을 남겨주세요!
회원 답변글
답변일 11/7/2018 5:28:42 PM
여기에보면 이제 DACA 가 폐지되니까 안된다고 되어있습니다. (Driver's License section 보세요. 페이지 3/7)
혹시 어떻게해서 벌써 그것을 받은사람은 갱신할때 non- Real ID driver's license 로 바꾸랍니다.


그런데 이 서류가 update 된지 일년이 조금 지났는데 아직 정확한지는 모르겠어요.
답변일 11/8/2018 3:12:27 PM
You can get Real ID.
You need 3 things.

1.Identity Document (original or certified copy only)
• Unexpired employment authorization document (EAD) Card (I-766)
or valid/expired EAD Card with Notice of Action (I-797 C)

2.Proof of Social Security Number (full number required, no photocopies)
• Social Security card
or • W-2 form
or • SSA-1099 form
or • Non-SSA-1099 for
or • Paystub

3.Proof of California Residency (copies accepted, no electronic files)
• Home utility bills (including cellular phone)
or • Medical documents
or• Car or Boat registration
or • Employment documents
or • Insurance documents
or • Bank and Financial institution records
or • Change of Address confirmation by the U.S. Postal service
or • Mortgage bill, rental or lease agreement
or • IRS or California FTB tax return
or • School documents (includes Date of Birth), proof of payment
of resident tuition at a public institution of higher education in Caligfornia.etc...

please google dmv real ID 1.2.3.

God bless you.

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