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Q. Academic Integrity Policy 문의 드립니다

지역California 아이디o**lin**** 공감0
조회5,309 작성일5/28/2019 6:40:45 PM

저희 아이는 11학년에 재학 중 입니다
JAVA 숙제를 실수로 공유되는 곳에 저장했는데 아이친구가 몰래 카피해 제출했습니다.
둘 다 선생님께 발각되어 0점 처리되고 Academic Integrity Policy에 등록된다고 말했답니다.
아이친구가 본인 혼자 저지른 일이고 본인 잘못이라고 주장했는데도 선생님은 저희 아이도 같은 처분을 한다고 합니다

부모로서 참 속상한 마음이 들어 문의 드립니다

1. 아직 처분이 확정되거나 문서화된 것은 아닌 것으로 보여집니다.
부모로서 어떤 액션을 취해야 할까요?
변호사나 전문가의 도움이 필요하다면 적극적으로 해볼 생각입니다
방법을 알려주세요

2. 혹시 Academic Integrity Policy에 기록이 된다면 UC 대학을 지원할 예정인데
어떤 불리한 점이 있을까요?
있다면 어떻게 해결해야 할까요?

답변 부탁 드립니다
회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 2개입니다.

첫번째 전문가 답변을 남겨주세요!
회원 답변글
답변일 5/29/2019 11:51:37 AM
"Appeal Process: if a student or parent wishes to appeal the consequence that is assigned or feels that the outcome/findings is/are unjustified, the student or parent may make a written appeal to the Principal /appropriate Dean. 학생 또는 학부모는 교장 / 해당 학장에게 서면 이의 제기를 할 수 있습니다.

Look at the policy in student handbook to find out the contact person for an academic appeal (academic integrity hearing) 학생 핸드북의 정책을보고 학업 항소를위한 연락 담당자를 찾으십시오."


Education Lawyers for a free consultation. (855) 338-5299

www.leighlawgroup.com/Education/Free- consultation (800) 256-8052


답변일 5/29/2019 12:56:17 PM

“Will a high school minor suspension affect my university applications?
As a former Ivy admissions officer, the best answer is ‘it depends’. . .”


“Can I just not mention my disciplinary record on my application?
Different colleges, or even different admissions staffers (Admission officers) at the same college, may look at your application and your past mistakes differently. . . 대학마다, 같은 대학의 입학사정관마다 신청자의 과거의 실수를 다르게 볼 수 있습니다.
For a general rule of thumb, consider this: assume that your chosen colleges will check with your guidance counselor to verify that you haven’t been in any serious trouble. Requesting more information about you is something that colleges can and will do. If a disciplinary infraction is serious enough that you’d be tempted to lie about it, it’s also serious enough for the college to check in with your counselor about it — and if you get caught, you could face major consequences, including your admission being rescinded.
However — and this is very important — having a disciplinary problem on your record does not mean that you can’t apply or be accepted to a good college. Colleges don’t expect you to have never made any mistakes. What they do expect is that you’ve responded to these mistakes responsibly and maturely. If you can thoughtfully discuss what happened and have clearly learned from your mistakes, that will be a point in your favor.
대학이 기대하는 바는 학생의 책임감 있고 성숙하게 그실수에 응답했다는 것입니다. . .

For more information on addressing issues like disciplinary history on your college applications, check out the CollegeVine blog post How to Explain Exceptional Personal Circumstances on College Applications. To learn more about rescinded admissions offers and other potential consequences, take a look at our post on whether your offer of admission can be rescinded.”


“Most colleges are considering applicants’ high school disciplinary records, even without formal policies on what role these records should play in admissions decisions, according to a survey conducted by the Center for Community Alternatives. 지역 대안 센터 (Center Alternatives for Center) 가 실시한 설문 조사에 따르면, 대부분의 대학에서는 입학 결정에있어 고교 징계 기록이 어떤 역할을해야하는지에 대한 정식 정책 없이도 지원자의 고교 징계 기록을 고려, 참고하고 있습니다.
An editorial in the New York Times endorsed the report’s recommendations both that colleges stop considering the high school records and that high schools stop turning over the information. “The notion of penalizing college applicants for minor misbehavior when they were a teenager, when a child’s impulse control is notoriously weak, is unfair on its face,” says the editorial. "
잘 해결되시길 바랍니다.

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