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유학/교육 입학/학자금

Q. 1040form 으로 FAFSA 신청을 했습니다.

지역California 아이디b**in**** 공감0
조회1,937 작성일3/7/2012 7:02:48 PM
제가 개인과외로 수입을 얻었었습니다. 학생의 부모님께서는 캐쉬로
돈을 주셨구요. 개인사업(?)으로 세금을 보고해야한다고 세무사 님께서
말하셔서 개인사업으로 세금을 보고 했고 학비 냈던거 1098 T form 과 함께
보고하였더니 약간의 리턴이 왔습니다. 1040 form 으로 FAFSA 를 지원했는데요
학교 측에서 unincome tax를 자기네한테 알려달라고 하더라구요.
근데 정말 솔직하게 부모님께서 얼마얼마를 주셨다까지 써내야하는지
다음학기에 꼭 grant를 받아야하는데 말입니다.
이런경우 어떻게 해야하 최선의 방법인지 궁금합니다.
회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.

첫번째 전문가 답변을 남겨주세요!
회원 답변글
답변일 3/8/2012 5:33:17 AM
I am sorry, but your question is not clear to answer. Please, answer these questions.
1. Are you dependent or independent in FAFSA?
2. How much did you report to IRS for Income (Adjusted Gross Income from your 1040)
3. "Unincome Tax" - Is this "Income TAX" or "Untaxed Income"? The total amount of money received from parents is "Untaxed Income" in FAFSA.
답변일 3/8/2012 5:30:00 PM
글쓴이 입니다.
1. 네, 인디펜던트로 세금보고도 했구, FAFSA도 인디펜던으로 했습니다.
2. 1년 인컴이 1000불 입니다.
3. untaxed income 입니다
답변일 3/9/2012 3:59:47 AM
Thanks for answering my questions. The reason Financial Aid Office asked your “Untaxed Income” is that you only made $1000 in 2011 in your 1040, and this amount was not enough to support yourself as independent. So, Financial Aid Office assumed or you told Financial Aid Office that you were living with your parents last year and they paid for rent, utilities, food, allowance, books, etc. There is a question about this in FAFSA. That is Question 44, j “Money received, or paid on your behalf (e.g., bills), not reported elsewhere on this form” in FAFSA. As a financial aid counselor, sometimes I need to ask my students same this question too after reviewing SAR (Student Aid Report). What you have to do is estimate how much your parents supported you each month (for example $500 per month) and tell Financial Aid Office total of support ($6000) from your parents in 2011 for “Untaxed Income”. You do not really have to worry about this situation

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