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유학/교육 입학/학자금

Q. FAFSA를 신청한후에

지역Massachusetts 아이디w**o**** 공감0
조회1,861 작성일3/15/2012 8:07:37 PM
electronic SAR를 보니 Comments About Your Information에 Your FAFSA has been selected for a review process called verification. Your school has the authority to request copies of certain financial documents from you and your parent(s). 라는 말이 쓰여있어요.
이게 무작위로 추가서류 요청을 한다는 verification에 걸렸다는뜻인가요?
전 verification은 학교에서 FA서류심사를 하면서 verification을 하는걸로 알고있었는데 제가 잘못알고있는것이고 FAFSA를 제출하는순간 결정이 되는건가요?
이렇게 써있으면 골치아픈 일이 발생하는건지 FA받는데 지장이 있는지 걱정이되네요.
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* 등록된 총 답변수 5개입니다.

전문가 답변글
노준건 님 답변 답변일 3/26/2012 11:23:18 AM
Verification은 FAFSA를 신청하는 순간 무작위로 선정이 됩니다. 일단 선정이 된 학생은 학생이 지원한 학교로 부터 서류심사를 받게 됩니다. 제대로 옳게 신청을 했으면 FA받는데 전혀 지장이 없습니다.



직업 학자금재정전문가/연방세무사

이메일 finaid52@gmail.com

전화 718-281-4888

회원 답변글
답변일 3/16/2012 6:03:16 AM
I have been asked a lot of times by my students, “Why am I selected for Verification?” “Did I do anything wrong when I filled out my FAFSA?” “ Does school choose me for Verification?” I will explain what Verification is. First, federal government choose who has been selected for Verification. Second, there are many reasons why student has been selected for Verification. It can be from student’s or parents’ income tax return, number in family in FAFSA, number of family in college, etc. Until last year, financial aid office use 30% Verification rule. This means if school had students being selected by federal government for Verification, financial aid office chose 30% of them for Verification. For example, school had 100 students being selected for Verification, financial aid office chose 30 out of 100 students. From this year, it is not 30% Verification rule, but 100% Verification rule. This means that student and financial aid office will have extra works to do. Also, financial aid office does not accept the signed copy of income tax return anymore. Only tax transcript from IRS will be accepted by financial aid office for Verification. I recommend that you need to contact with financial aid office as soon as possible to find if you are one of students being selected for Verification. If you are, you need to order the tax transcript at www.irs.gov or call 1-800-908-9946. You do not have to worry about Verification. What you need to do is filling out Verification Form given by school and submitting the tax transcript with it to financial aid office. If you need more information about your Verification, you can stop by financial aid office in your college and ask financial aid counselor.
답변일 3/16/2012 9:29:35 AM
답변감사합니다. 제가 월 잘못 기입해서 그렇된게 아닌거네요.
말씀하신 tax transcript이외에 bank ststement같은 추가로 보내야하는 서류들이 또 있나요? 학교에서 보내주는 verification에는 주로 어떤 내용을 써넣나요? FAFSA나 CSS같은 기본적인서류말고 이 추가서류들까지 학교 FA신청 데드라인안에 제출되어야하나요?
답변일 3/16/2012 10:05:33 AM
Normally financial aid office mail (also, e-mail) Document Tracking Letter to student who has been selected for Verification. Student and parent can find what documents are needed for Verification by this letter. Usually financial aid office requests student's / parents' Tax Transcript and complete Verification Form given by school, but sometimes they request additional documents for Verification too. You can wait until you get mailed Document Tracking Letter by school or call financial aid office and ask what documents are needed. I want to highly recommend that you contact with financial aid office and ask what documents are needed.
답변일 3/17/2012 9:54:27 AM
네 알겠습니다. 감사합니다.

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