[대부분의 경우, 이름, 주소 또는 카운티를 변경해야 할 때 기존 비영리 단체를 수정하는 것이
새 단체를 만드는 것보다 빠르고 저렴하며
"Certificate of Amendment" 과정을 변호사나 회계사 없이 직접 가능하며
https://www.njportal.com/DOR/BusinessAmendments/ <- - -
Business Filings File an Amendment Start the filing process
The New Jersey Department of the Treasury's
"Certificate of Amendment" form is Form L-102 ?
https://www.nj.gov/treasury/revenue/dcr/pdforms/DOC11.pdf (양식)
There are 3 different amendment forms for domestic corporations.
C-102, C-102A, C-102B
***(consult your church's bylaws and
check with the New Jersey Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services
to confirm the exact process and required forms)***
You can file the form online, by mail, fax, or upload.
The Department of the Treasury recommends filing online.