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Q. Chage H1B visa to G4 visa

지역New York 아이디M**ME**** 공감0
조회1,172 작성일3/11/2010 12:02:04 PM
I have H1B visa currently & under green card process.

I just got LC denial letter yesterday & I'm waiting for re-newed H1B visa petition, right now. I used up all 6 years for H1B & I extended 1 year last year and I renewed this year since my LC got audit & it took more than 2 years. My Visa expiration date is 2/15/10.

I'm now worred that I may not get H1B petition this time.

But, is it ok if I change to G4 (my husband works at UN) fm H1B & still proceed green card process? (I'll apeal my case-LC.)

Please please advise...

Thank you!!!
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전문가 답변글
우시영 님 답변 답변일 3/11/2010 12:26:11 PM
An alien who used up her full possible years as H-1B may change her status to H-4 or other status except to that of L-1. Besides an appeal against the denial of the LC, I would consider beginning a new EB2 immigration processing, if possible, at the same time, considering the time to be consumed to see the results of the appeal and frustration in the worst case after all.

You will need to have a waiver approved to adjust your status from G4 to LPR in the future.



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이메일 seayoung.woo@gmail.com

전화 703-941-7395


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