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주택/부동산 구매/판매

Q. 뉴욕주 1bed room 계약 파기시 (계약서 발췌)

지역New York 아이디r**ning**** 공감0
조회1,689 작성일7/9/2017 8:10:04 PM
안녕하세요. 뉴욕주에서 공부하고 있는 학생입니다.
다름이 아니라 계약기간 보다 좀 더 일찍 한국으로 들어가게 되어, House rent 계약을 파기해야 할 것 같습니다.
계약기간은 내년 5월까지인데, 8월 중순쯤에 한국에 들어갈 것 같습니다.

같이 있는 동료들은 규정상 30일 전에만 집주인에게 알려주면 되고, 남은 계약기간 만큼 돈을 낼 필요없이 디파짓만 날릴거다 라고 하는데, 집주인은 좀 애매하게 계약 기간만큼 의무가 있고 나가려면 다른 사람을 구하고 가야한다라고 하네요.

아래는 계약서에서 2 문단만 발췌한 것입니다. 선생님들의 의견은 어떠신지 문의드립니다.

The initial term of this lease shall be fixed, beginning 5/10/2017, and ending noon 5/31/2018. This agreement cannot be terminated early unless there is a breach of contract, or if both parties agree to terminate. This agreement will automatically renew month-to-month unless either party gives at least thirty (30) day written notice of termination or intent to vacate as required by paragraph 25.

(paragraph 25)
Before vacating, Resident must give Management advance written notice as provided herein. Resident’s Notice of Intent to Vacate Rental Unit does not release Resident from liability for the full term of the Lease Agreement or any renewal or extension. Resident’s Notice of Intent to Vacate rental Unit must be in writing and cannot terminate the Lease Agreement sooner than the end of the original full term, any renewal or extension. Resident’s verbal notice of intent to vacate will not be accepted and is not valid to terminate this Lease Agreement. If Resident chooses to vacate upon expiration of the lease, a written 30-day notice shall be required. The lease shall automatically convert to a month-to-month tenancy unless Management receives from Resident 30 days advance written notice of Resident’s intention to vacate. Failure to comply with this provision shall result in Resident’s responsibility for thirty (30) day’s rent from when said notice was received by Management. In the event Resident tenders to Management rent for an additional month, Management’s acceptance thereof shall result in the Lease being converted to a month-to-month tenancy, all other terms of the Lease remaining in full force and effect. If this Lease is, or is converted to, a month-to-month term, the Lease may be terminated by Resident or Management giving a 30-day written notice of termination at any time. Management may serve any notice or demand upon Resident personally, or by posting a copy at the Premises and mailing a copy thereof by regular mail, postage prepaid, addressed to Resident at the address of the Premises, or in the event Resident has provided Management, in writing, with a forwarding address, to such forwarding address. Resident may serve any notice or demand upon Management personally or by mailing such notice to Management for the Premises by certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested.

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