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건강 내과상담

Q. 피부질환

지역California 아이디s**0127200**** 공감0
조회3,590 작성일5/31/2012 3:58:56 PM
안녕하세요.저는 40대 중반 남성입니다.
일주일 전부터 양쪽 무릎과 양쪽 팔꿈치에 두두래기같은것이 나서 무척 간지러운데
왜 그런가요?또 무슨 약을 사용해야 하는지 알려주시면 감사하겠읍니다.
왜 양쪽 무릎과 양쪽 팔꿈치에만 두두래기가 나는지도 궁금 합니다.
회원 답변하기


* 등록된 총 답변수 3개입니다.

첫번째 전문가 답변을 남겨주세요!
회원 답변글
답변일 5/31/2012 6:22:36 PM
신경성 아토핌니다....
긍정적으로 사시구
가끔 술두 한잔씩 하세요.
전 .... 의사가 아님다.
답변일 5/31/2012 7:23:25 PM
무릅이나 팔꿈치의 두드러기는 무언가 제대로 소화가 되지 않는 음식을 드셔서
몸 속에서 독소로 작용하고 있어 대장으로 제대로 체외 배출 되지 않는다는 증거입니다.

쑥을 다려 드시면 해독이 되면서 사라집니다.

필자가 개발한 "뿌리는 뜸"moxiwon"이 피부질환에는 효능이 우수합니다.
연락 주시면 보내 드리겠습니다.

답변일 6/22/2012 8:37:31 AM
I am Eunsuk – I have been helping natural remedy for 7 years plus due to my son’s chronically ear infection for 11 years, which created speech delay and language and academic delay; we suffered a long time
Three surgeries done and over 100 times antibiotic medicines in taking did not help him but natural food helped him( like Acai ) to bring his immune system in his internal body to be strong

I recommend internal cleansing; in my opinion something you ate and breezed is allergy to your body, so get rid of whatever that is quickly would be a good idea
I recommend "7 internal cleansing channel (대장, 간장, 신장, 허파, 임파 계, 피부조직, 혈관계통)-call Genesis Pure Liquid Cleanser “클렌징과 독소배출” 신체 7개 배설기관의 독소배출 would be great for your situation
Secondly put Tee Tree Oil (pure) sells at Wal-Mart Pharmacy shelves ( good for bacteria, virus and other issues)
Thirdly put some Benadryl ointment
Fourthly - intake pure Noni may help - go and research on web site for the detail info (pure- 1oz=30,000mg Morinda citrufolio)- put some on skin also (externally- on skin)
Fifthly - if the place is too dry then put some olive oil on top
Sixthly – Take some Acai Pure (1oz=30,000mg its components) to bring the immune system in your body
Seventhly- Make your body alkalized by eating more fruits and fresh vegetable and drink a lot of water to bring up your body to strong immune system ( recommend to go for fruits diet for 3 days) and avoid meat and too much starch food

Drink a lot of water ; caution : 30 min before meal and 2 hours after meal

Finally… be patient with it with care… God and its nature will take care of it a bit by bit and in No TIME -back to normal; that is the Beauty!

Eunsuk 706-284-2332

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